Economy lesson 3

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Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMBOStudiejaar 1

This lesson contains 16 slides, with text slides and 2 videos.

Items in this lesson

Slide 1 - Slide

Slide 2 - Slide

Slide 3 - Video

Slide 4 - Video

Slide 5 - Slide

What type of reviews are there?
  • Film reviews
  • Product reviews
  • Experience reviews
  • Book reviews
  • Written reviews
  • Spoken/verbal reviews
  • Video reviews

Slide 6 - Slide

Review: Structure


Slide 7 - Slide

How to write a review
-Make sure you know exactly what the product is about
Write down your opinion
-Stick to your positive/negative opinion about the product!
Persuade others
-Give a recommendation:
“I recommend this movie, because the actors played their roles very well and the plot is surprising.”

Slide 8 - Slide


Signaalwoorden geven verbanden aan tussen zinnen en tekstdelen. Signaalwoorden helpen je de tekst beter te begrijpen. Wanneer je Engelse teksten leest, kijk dan of je signaalwoorden kunt vinden.

Slide 9 - Slide

I don’t like cats, because I’m allergic. (omdat)
As a result of the storm, the tree fell down. (als gevolg van)
I need your help. That’s why I called. (daarom)
We won the game thanks to our fantastic goalie. (dankzij)
Since Mum isn’t home, we have to make our own dinner. (aangezien)

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Slide 11 - Slide

Step #1: make a plan 
Think about what you want to write
Are they asking about something you have learned, or do they want to know about something strange that has happened to you?

Slide 12 - Slide

Think about the tone of the article
Most articles are between formal and informal. 
They are often informative, spark a conversation but are also entertaining. 

Slide 13 - Slide

Think about your structure
Paragraph 1: Introduction, start with a catchy opening line to hook the readers. Then introduce your topic.
Paragraph 2: Give an answer to what they are asking from you.
Paragraph 3: Continue with answering the question they asked. Sometimes this is a contradiction to what you have mentioned before. 
Paragraph 4: Conclusion, try to make this thought-provoking.

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Personalize your writing 
Most articles have a personal touch to their story. You can do this by using the phrases "you" and "I" in your writing. 

Don't forget, they are asking for your opinion!

Slide 15 - Slide

Extra tips!
go online and read articles! Get inspiration!
Link to more tips and tricks:

Slide 16 - Slide