Mentoraat 13.09.22

1 / 24
Slide 1: Video
MentorlesMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 1

This lesson contains 24 slides, with interactive quiz, text slides and 3 videos.

time-iconLesson duration is: 30 min

Items in this lesson

Slide 1 - Video

Slide 2 - Slide

Menu van vandaag
1. meldingen
2. Kahoot
3. 30 sec
4. vragen?

Slide 3 - Slide

1. meldingen

Leerlingen die ongeoorloofde absenties hebben, halen deze in door per ongeoorloofde absentie zich eenmaal op de dinsdag, woensdag of donderdag op het 8e of 9e uur zich te melden bij de onderwijsassistent VO in de C-foyer. Leerlingen werken daar een lesuur aan hun schoolwerk. 

Slide 4 - Slide

Leerlingen krijgen op maandag hierover een mail gestuurd. Indien de leerling zich niet meldt, moet een leerling zich tweemaal melden. Mocht een leerling zich de volgende twee dagen ook niet melden, dan wordt dit gemeld aan de teamleider. De leerling wordt hierop aangesproken door
de teamleider en/of mentor en moet zich dan driemaal melden bij de C-foyer. Mentor neemt contact op met ouders/verzorgers.

Slide 5 - Slide

Adam, Adaline, Yusuf, Olivia, Grace, Gift, Zeest, Fraya, Hamza, Cleo - mogen de smaak kiezen van het ijsje.

Slide 6 - Slide

Kies de afbeelding die je de mooist vind voor de mentorgroep

Slide 7 - Poll

Menu van vandaag
1. meldingen
2. group dynamics spelletjes
3. f/u questions
4. vragen?
5. stillte

Slide 8 - Slide

Adaline, Adam, Aubei, Cary, Fraya, Gift, Grace, Hadi, Hamza, Jimmy, Julia, Kaj, Klara, Maia, Morin, Cleo, Olivia, Shayan, Wassim, Yusuf, Zeest

Slide 9 - Slide

Slide 10 - Video

Slide 11 - Video

How well did your team communicate?
  What were the differences between being in a leadership role versus being in the team? Which role did you enjoy more?
   What challenges did you encounter as a leader and as a team player?
   What was the process of giving feedback as a team member like? Did you feel as though the leader took your feedback on board?
   What did you learn from the activity?

Slide 12 - Slide

1. What made the team successful?
2. What process, if any, did you use to “design” the bridge?
3. Who emerged as the group leader(s)? What characteristics did the leader(s) display?
4. Did everyone participate? If not, why not?
5. How did individual team members help each other?
6. What would you have done differently?
7. How might you apply these lessons to our team’s work?

Slide 13 - Slide

1.The tube’s starting position is at chest level of tallest student
2.Both index fingers must be placed below the stick and only the index fingers may be used
3. Nothing else is allowed to touch the stick
4. No one may loose contact with the stick at any time
4. If any guidelines are broken, the group must begin again
Helium stick: Instructies

Slide 14 - Slide


Slide 15 - Slide

f/u questions helium stick
How did you feel when you first tried to lower the tube?
What was one of the challenges of doing this activity?
What advice would you give to another group working on this activity?
How can you apply what you just learned to other challenges you face?
What surprised you about this activity?

Slide 16 - Slide

2. electric fence
cross over the top of the "electric fence."
Teams: position on one side of the rope.
To get from one side to the other, members must go over, not under, one at a time. They also must be touching another member of the group with at least one hand at all times. Participants should not make any contact with the electric fence at anytime. If they violate a rule, they must start the exercise all over again.

Slide 17 - Slide

f/u questions electric fence
Follow Up Questions:
  • What was your biggest challenge crossing the fence?
  • What did the group have to do or believe to be   successful?
  • What was one positive thing you learned about your teammates in the course of this exercise? 
  • What would you do differently next time?

Slide 18 - Slide

Wat weet je over de andere leerlingen?

Slide 19 - Slide

Skill: actief luisteren: 

wat weet je over... 

Slide 20 - Slide

Slide 21 - Link

Slide 22 - Link

Slide 23 - Link

Slide 24 - Slide