Restorative Conversations

Restorative Conversations in our classrooms.
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Resorative ConversationsHigher Education (degree)

This lesson contains 18 slides, with text slides and 3 videos.

time-iconLesson duration is: 75 min

Items in this lesson

Restorative Conversations in our classrooms.

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In the early part of my career I believed it was up to me to find the answers rather than ask the right questions to help others find the right answers

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I moved to a school where shouting was the behaviour management technique of choice...

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Story of Mark and his upbringing

  • Mark was always getting into fights and arguments
  • I would punish him for these transgressions and move on
  • I would shout at him when I was cross - we were in a school where shouting at children was common
  • First parents evening came and Marks mother attended with a younger sibling. No father
  • I shared with her how Mark was often in trouble for fighting and arguing and that this needed to stop
  • I later shared with the HT my conversation with Marks mother
  • The HT asked if I knew Marks family story - I didn't
  • Marks father was in prison because he had tried to decapitate Marks mother with a sword
  • Mark had witnessed this

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I decided that I would try and find out as much as I could about the families I worked with. During the first parent evening I changed my approach. I spent more time developing a relationship rather than imparting my view of their child. I grew to understand the pupils in my class much better as a result.

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My understanding after the first parents evening
"Twenty-five years of neurobiological research tells us that children learn best when they feel loved" 

Dr Andrew Curran

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...aren't built in a day, they are built daily

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Actions speak louder than words
Its not always what we say or what we do, but how we do it and how students end up feeling.

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Be authentic
  •  Don't pretend!
  • Know and pronounce their names correctly
  • Compliment them
  • Ask questions
  • Remain positive
  • Be consistent
  • Smile
  • Be present
  • Acknowledge everyone 

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Restorative conversations are...
about elevating the culture of the school so that people are pulled in, not pushed out.

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"A philosophy that considers the success of the group above the individual"

Lundin & Nelson

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Ubuntu in a school context
What are you going to do in order to enable the community around you improve?

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Restorative conversations are...
about compassion
about behaviours
about change
about leadership
about communities
about collaboration
about children and young people

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Relational Leadership
...isn't about being in charge, its about taking care of those in your charge.

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Restorative meetings
Sitting in a circle

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