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CH3 sec. 3.2 The Ancien Régime
Memo havo 2 TTO
CH3 The age of wigs and revolutions
The French Revolution
sec. 3.2 The Ancien Régime
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Middelbare school
Leerjaar 2
This lesson contains
33 slides
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1 video
Lesson duration is:
50 min
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Memo havo 2 TTO
CH3 The age of wigs and revolutions
The French Revolution
sec. 3.2 The Ancien Régime
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Learning objectives
Main question: What were the problems in the French estate-based society in the 18th century?
You can explain that French society was divided into groups (estates), each with its own place and tasks.
You can explain that there were major differences within the Third Estate
You can explain how privileges caused inequality in French society.
You can explain why different groups within the Third Estate were unhappy.
You can explain how France was governed in the 18th century.
You can explain why King Louis XVI called an assembly of the States General.
You know the terms and dates from this section.
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Estate-based society
France was a
estate-based society (standenmaatschappij)
Your place in society (estate) was determined by birth.
Society consisted of three estates:
1st estate: clergy
2nd estate: nobility
3rd estate: rest of society (around 98%)
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Estate-based society
Every estate had its own task and place in society:
1st estate: pray
2nd estate: fight (help king govern).
3rd estate: work (provide food and goods)
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Estate-based society
There were big differences within the 3rd estate.
To this estate belonged: (in order of importance!)
Wealthy citizens
in the cities. Merchants, lawyers, judges, bankers, etc). This group is also called
Artisan (crafspeople) and shopkeepers
in rural areas and
poorly-paid labourers
in the cities.
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Estates-based society
Lowest layer had to work hard (especially the farmers).
Many farmers only owned small pieces of land or leased (rented) land from landlords.
After payment of rent and taxes, there was little left for themselves.
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Estates-based society
Although some members of the 3rd estate (bourgeoisie) were rich they had no say in government.
Couldn't get an important function in Church, administration or army.
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Estates-based society
Changing estates
From the 3rd estate you could move to the 1st estate by becoming a (low status) cleric (priest, monk, nun).
From the 2nd estate you could move to the 1st estate by becoming a high clergymen (bishop, cardinal, pope).
You could only get into the 2nd estate by birth.
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What is an estate-based society?
A society in which there's great equality
A society divided into estates
A society that revolved around religion
A society ruled by clerics
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How many estates were there in 18th century France?
1 estate
2 estates
3 estates
4 estates
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What were the three estates in 18th century France?
Clergy, nobility, 3rd estate (soldiers)
Soldiers, nobility, 3rd estate (citizens/workers/farmers)
Clergy, nobility, 3rd estate (citizens/workers/farmers)
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Only the 1st and 2nd estates had privileges:
Only the nobility could get high positions in the Church, administration and army.
The 1st and 2nd estates didn't have to pay taxes, but could collect taxes.
The 1st and 2nd estates had their own court of justice.
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Duties of the 3rd estate:
Farmers had to work at least 1 day a week for the 1st and 2nd estates free of charge (= feudal services / servile duties).
People from the 3rd estate had to pay taxes.
People from the 3rd estate would receive more severe punishments when they committed a crimes than the 1st and 2nd estates.
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The 3rd estate was the only estate that payed taxes.
The payment of taxes led to big problems.
People also paid extra taxes when they bought products: for example food (3/4 of the state revenue).
The taxes on food were increased.
As a result food became very expensive: problem for the poor!
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When harvests failed, farmers still had to pay taxes.
People of the 3rd state became even more displeased.
Wealthy citizens (bourgeoisie) could afford to pay the taxes, but wanted a say in government in return.
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Which of the three estates was treated in a inequal manner?
the 1st estate
the 2nd estate
the 3rd estate
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With estates had mostly rights and very few duties?
The farmers, citizens and nobility
The clergy and nobility
The clergy, the farmers and citizens
The citizens, clergy and nobility
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"We do pay taxes, but have no say in government. That is unfair! "
To which group does this statement belong?
Wealthy citizens
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A mighty ruler
At the end of the 18th century, Louis XVI was king of France.
He held all power, as it had been in France for centuries: He was an
absolute monarch
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A mighty ruler
Louis XVI ruled from Versailles, his palace just outside of Paris.
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A mighty ruler
Louis XVI was advised by clergymen and nobles.
This type of government was later called the
Ancient Régime
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A mighty ruler
When Louis XVI became king, there were major problems.
France was prosperous, but the administration almost went bankrupt around 1788.
Spending on wars was too high.
There were too many debts that in turn led to high interest rates that had to be paid.
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A mighty ruler
Another problem was the spending of the royal couple.
The French queen Marie Antoinette was not popular in France.
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A mighty ruler
She had very expensive clothes and organised decadent parties.
Her nickname was "Madam Deficit" and the French saw her as the symbol of the rich people that they hated.
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A mighty ruler
It was almost impossible for the king to levy even more taxes.
So a change had to be made to the tax system.
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A mighty ruler
The king came up with the solution: the nobility and clergy also had to pay taxes.
He needed the States General to change the tax system.
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A mighty ruler
The States General had not assembled for 175 years.
The representatives of the estates had to approve the plans of the king.
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A mighty ruler
The States General met in May 1789, but even before negotiations about taxes began, the estates started to argue.
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How was it that the French treasury was almost empty?
War expenses
High debts and interest rates
Spending of the royal couple
All answers are correct
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How did Louis XVI want to solve the money problems?
Let the 3rd pay more taxes
Make the 1st and 2nd estates pay taxes
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What was so special about Louis XVI calling for an assembly of the States General?
An absolute monarch rules alone
This hadn't happened for 175 years
A and B are both correct
A and B are both incorrect
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Get to work
See whiteboard.
Ask neighbour. Can't figure it out? Ask teacher.
Until the end of the lesson.
Learn terms and dates. Ask teacher.
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