How does the protagonist of the book change from the beginning to the end?
Discuss his/her actions, give examples of how he/she evolves, use quotes from the book or describe events that happened in the book which showcase that.
B. In literature as in life, people can make choices and must live with the consequences of those choices. Select one character who makes a choice. Identify the character’s choice and explain what happens as a result of this choice. Besides, write if you would make the same choice, why / why not.
Discuss his/her actions, give examples of how he/she reacts, use quotes from the book or describe events that happened which showcase that.
C. Select one close relationship (could be either romantic or friendship). In an essay, identify the characters involved in the relationship and explain how the relationship affects each of the characters.
Discuss their actions, give examples of their reactions, use quotes from the book or describe events that happened in the book which showcase that.