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H2B Social Media and infuencers
Social Media and Influencers
By: Miss Aberkan
For: H2B
1 / 14
Slide 1:
Middelbare school
Leerjaar 2
This lesson contains
14 slides
, with
interactive quiz
text slides
Lesson duration is:
60 min
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Items in this lesson
Social Media and Influencers
By: Miss Aberkan
For: H2B
Slide 1 - Slide
1. We are respectful when somebody is speaking
2. Everyone is allowed to have their own opinion.
3. If you (dis)agree you have to say it in a formal manner/way.
4. We only speak English.
Do you want to add anything? Do you agree?
Slide 2 - Slide
Lesson Planning Day 1
(1 hour)
2. Lesson Goals
3. Conversing & Mindmap
4. History of infuencers
5. Reading
6. Evaluating
Lesson Planning Day 2 and 3
(1 hour)
1. Attendance
2. Lesson Goals
3. Formal speaking/writing
4. Writing
(30 min.)
5. Feedforward and Edit
6. Hand in
7. Rounding Off
Slide 3 - Slide
Lesson Goals
- You can discuss your experiences on Social Media.
- You can name the pros and cons of Social Media.
- You can read a longer text and understand the bigger picture.
- You can work with your classmates on a bigger project.
Slide 4 - Slide
Lesson Goals
- You can, with the help of your classmates, think of a solution for this problem and write it in a formal way.
- You can use your own experiences as arguments in a formal way.
- You can convince your audience your solution is good.
Slide 5 - Slide
Is there a problem with social media/influencers and commercials targeting the youth?
Slide 6 - Mind map
The history of infuencers
What you have to draw in your notes:
- What is an infuencer?
- Endorsing products (print, radio, tv, social media)
- Instagram specifically
- But what does this mean to you?
Slide 7 - Slide
- BBC article in ItsLearning
- Reading Strategy= skimming/detailed
- You will be answering questions
(Handout 1)
- Groups of 2 or 3 for 10 minutes
Slide 8 - Slide
1. What did you learn?
2. Why are we doing this?
3. What is the problem you will be working on the next lesson?
Slide 9 - Slide
Formal (writing)
- Take a look at Handout 2: Formal Writing
- Why be formal?
- Structure?
- RAFT-model?
Slide 10 - Slide
Formal Writing
Choose your own RAFT
Collect 6 stars
Write for 20 min.
Finish at home, if you are not done in class
Slide 11 - Slide
Feedback and Edit
Exchange your work with another
Use the Rubrics and hand it to them (10 min.)
Use the feedback to edit your work (10 min.)
4. Fill in the speaking Rubric about yourself (hand this one in)
Slide 12 - Slide
Via email: s.aberkan@candea.nl
name the document: yourname_class_Social Media
Send in: your writing and the rubrics (one for speaking and one for writing)!
Slide 13 - Slide
Rounding Off
- Let's take a look at the Lesson Goals
- Which one did you achieve?
- Which one not so much?
- Any Tips and Tops?
We will go to the mentimeter for this one!
Slide 14 - Slide
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