Reported speech

Reported Speech
Mi is ez?
Olyankor használjuk, ha idézünk valakit, továbbmondunk valamit. Például:
Elek: "I am drinking Jack'n'Coke."
Elek said that he was drinking Jack'n'Coke.
Alapvetően két eset lehetséges:
A.- Ha az adott pillanatban mondjuk tovább (pl. épp vonalban vagyunk): Sára says she is at home.
B.- Ha később mondunk tovább valamit: Martin Luther King said that he had a dream.
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Slide 1: Slide
EnglishSpecial Education

This lesson contains 18 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

Items in this lesson

Reported Speech
Mi is ez?
Olyankor használjuk, ha idézünk valakit, továbbmondunk valamit. Például:
Elek: "I am drinking Jack'n'Coke."
Elek said that he was drinking Jack'n'Coke.
Alapvetően két eset lehetséges:
A.- Ha az adott pillanatban mondjuk tovább (pl. épp vonalban vagyunk): Sára says she is at home.
B.- Ha később mondunk tovább valamit: Martin Luther King said that he had a dream.

Slide 1 - Slide

Reported Speech (folytatás)
A második eset a bonyolultabb, az alábbi miatt:
Ottó 18:11-kor azt mondja a munkahelyén: "I am hungry."
Hazamegyek, és 20:34-kor mondom a páromnak: Ottó told me that he was hungry.
Mint láthatod, múltba került az idézett rész, hiszen az 18:11-kor volt jelent, 20:34-re pedig már múlt.
Gyakorlatilag az a szabály, hogy mindig hátrébb ugrik az idézett mondatrész egy igeidőt.
Az első esetnél minden maradt, ahogy volt, csak odakerült elé, hogy "XY says that"

Slide 2 - Slide

Reported Speech (folytatás)
Így kell alakítanunk az igeidőket:
   Present Simple --> Past Simple
   Present Continuous --> Past Continuous
   Present Perfect --> Past Perfect
   Present Perfect Continuous --> Past Perfect Continuous
   Past Simple --> Past Perfect
   Past Continuous --> Past Perfect Continuous
   Past Perfect --> Past Perfect (nem tud hátrébb menni)
   Future Simple --> Will helyett Would
Vagy így
Illetve előfordul, hogy a Present Simple nem ugrik hátrébb. Olyankor nem alakítjuk, ha az adott szitu még mindig igaz, így nem vált múlttá:
She said that she works at OTP.

Slide 3 - Slide

Reported Speech (folytatás)
Személyes névmások:
Edina: I am so moron. --> Edina said that she was so moron.
Klotild: You ate my lunch! --> Klotild told me that I had eaten her lunch.
Az igeidők mellett az alábbiakra is oda kell figyelni:
Csaba: She is here. --> Csaba said she was there. (ha már máshol vagyunk)
Kati: We will meet here. --> Kati said that they would meet here. (ha még ugyanott vagyunk)

Slide 4 - Slide

Reported Speech (folytatás)
Noel: I will pay tomorrow.
  Még aznap: Noel said that he would pay tomorrow.
  Másnap: Noel said that he would pay today.
  Harmadnap: Noel said that he would pay yesterday.
  Egy hét múlva: Noel said that he would pay the following day.

Peti: I've won the lottery last week.
  Azon a héten: Peti said that he had won the lottery last week.
  Következő héten: Peti said that he had won the lottery the previous week.
Így használd:
Yesterday --> The previous day
Today --> That day
Tomorrow --> The following day

Figyelj, hogy a "next day" nem praktikus, mivel az gyakorlatilag holnapot jelent, nem pedig a rákövetkező napot!

Slide 5 - Slide

Reported Speech (folytatás)
Modális igék:
can --> could
could --> could
should --> should
would --> would
may --> might
might --> might
used to --> used to
must --> had to
have to --> had to

Slide 6 - Slide

Még egy apróság:
Legtöbbször say vagy tell igével kezdjük a szerkezetet. A különbség a vonzat:
She said that Elek was happy.
She told me that Elek was happy.
De kezdődhet ilyenekkel is:
She mentioned...
He replied...
Béci answered...
Klári explained...

Slide 7 - Slide

Translate the following sentences!

Slide 8 - Slide

"I can see her in the park." --> Frédi said _____

Slide 9 - Open question

"It is too late." --> I said ______

Slide 10 - Open question

"I have replied." --> She told me ______

Slide 11 - Open question

"I met him yesterday." --> She said ______

Slide 12 - Open question

"Australia is the smallest continent." --> Ede knew ______

Slide 13 - Open question

"Your wife must rest." --> The doctor told me ______

Slide 14 - Open question

"I am sitting at the bar." --> Lucy said ______

Slide 15 - Open question

"She has been doing this job for seven years." --> Her boss said ______

Slide 16 - Open question

"By the time I arrived home, she had already left." --> My neighbour said __

Slide 17 - Open question

"You must do this today." --> Mum said ______

Slide 18 - Open question