Lesson 11 - Homework; reading & possessive adjectives and pronouns

Welcome to English class!
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EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo tLeerjaar 1

This lesson contains 24 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 50 min

Items in this lesson

Welcome to English class!

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Today we are going to...
- check your homework.
- practise your reading skills.
- learn how say something belongs to someone.

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Lesson goals
At the end of this class...

- you can read a text efficiently by using a reading strategy.
- you can show that something belongs to someone.

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Look back at the previous lesson
So, what have we learned last lesson?

Last lesson, we saw a video of a dog who...

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Homework check
Finish exercise 42 on page 40. Use the vocabulary of page 76 to do exercise 40

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Skimming & scanning

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Skimming =​

- read a text quickly to get an impression of the text​
- looking at the page; at the pictures, headings (kopteksten) and titels​

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= reading a text quickly to find specific information​

Looking at a page more closely, to find answers while looking at keywords.

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Key = sleutel​

Keywords zijn letterlijk ‘sleutelwoorden’, belangrijke woorden in een tekst die de voornaamste betekenis van de tekst definiëren.​
De voornaamste woorden worden keywords genoemd, die vormen de ‘sleutel’ naar de inhoud van de tekst.​

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When is his birthday?

What are the keywords in this question?

So, if you only want an answer to this question, what are you going to search for in the text?

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7 tips for an organised desk

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Let's practise with skimming and scanning!
  • Go to page 41/42.
  • Let's skim the text together. What is the text about?
  • Go to page 44. Do exercise 46 on your own: answer the questions about the text on page 41-42.
  • Are you finished? Have a look at the grammar exercises: exercise 47-51. Use the grammar explanation on page 80!!

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Time for Grammar!

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This is my notebook and pencil. It is mine.

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That is your bag. That bag is ....... .

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That is his backpack. 
That backpack is ....... .

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Personal pronouns,
possessive adjectives,
possessive pronouns

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1. Personal pronoun = persoonlijk voornaamwoord. Dit gebruik je om naar iemand of iets te refereren zonder de naam te gebruiken. ​

2. Possessive adjective = bezittelijk bijvoeglijk voornaamwoord. Het bezittelijk bijvoeglijk voornaamwoord geeft aan van wie of wat iets is. ​

3. Possessive pronouns = bezittelijk voornaamwoord. Als je wilt uitdrukken dat iets van jou (of van iemand anders) is, kun je bezittelijke voornaamwoorden (possessive pronouns) gebruiken.​


Bjorn is nice. He is nice.
The students are great. They are great.

He has a new bike. That's his bike.​
I have a car. That's my car.

That's my car. It's mine.
That's his bike. That's his.

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Let's test your knowledge!
- Go to page 45
- Do exercise 48A & B.

(Finished? Make a start with exercise 47, 49, 50 & 51)

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2. Possessive adjectives
Als je wilt uitdrukken dat iets van jou (of van iemand anders) is, kun je bijvoeglijk bezittelijke voornaamwoorden (possessive pronouns) gebruiken, zoals jouw, mijn, zijn, gevolgd door datgene wat jij of iemand anders bezit. Bijvoorbeeld: mijn boek, jouw huis, zijn hond. 

In het Engels gaat dit op dezelfde manier:
mijn boek -> my book
jouw boek -> your book
zijn boek -> his book
haar boek -> her book
ons boek -> our book
jullie boek -> your book
hun boek -> their book

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3. Possessive pronoun
Het bezittelijke voornaamwoord kan ook 
zelfstandig worden gebruikt. 
Het Nederlands gebruikt hiervoor een 
van-constructie: dat is van mij.

Het Engels gebruikt hiervoor een 
aparte vorm: mine, yours, etc.
That is my bag. -> That's mine.
That is her bike. -> That's hers.

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Practise time!
- Go to page 45
- Do exercise 48, 49, 50 & 51.
- Not finished? -> Homework!

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Review the lesson
So, what have we learned today?

1. You know what keywords are and how they can help you find answers.
2. You can express possession in English.

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Homework & next lesson

  • Finish exercise 47, 49, 50 & 51.
  • Study the vocabulary on page 76.

Next lesson:
  • Writing an email.

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