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  • Your notebook.
  • Your textbook.
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Slide 1: Slide
ScienceMiddelbare schoolhavo, vwoLeerjaar 2

This lesson contains 20 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

Items in this lesson

Get ready
  • Your Macbook (join the LessonUp)
  • Your notebook.
  • Your textbook.
  • Pen & highlighter

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Topic 4
Moving in the world

Slide 2 - Slide

Plan for today
  • Explanation T4.5 Moving particles
  • (Make homework)
  • LAB: Temperatures effects in reactions

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4.5 Moving particles

Slide 4 - Slide

Learning goals
I can....
  • describe the three phases a substance can be in and list characteristics for each phase
  • name the transition between the different phases
  • identify phases and phase changes in a graph
  • describe how the addition or removal of heat changes the movement of molecules and how this can cause phase changes
  • describe the collision theory and how it affects reaction rate
  • describe how the change in temperature affects the functionality of enzymes

Slide 5 - Slide

Key words
  • Diffusion
  •  Solid
  • Liquid
  • Gas
  • Collision theory
  • Rate of a reaction
  • Denaturation
  • Optimum temperature

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The spreading of molecules is called Diffusion

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States of matter
The kinetic energy of molecules determines their speed of movement and how far away molecules move from each other.  This determines the phase the matter is in.

We have three phases:
  • Solid
  • Liquid
  • Gas

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- Fixed shape (crystal)

- Molecules are vibrating

- Not a lot of kinetic energy
         (Low temperature)

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- No fixed shape, Volume fixed

- More space between molecules and 
they shake a lot more (more kinetic energy)

- Medium kinetic energy
           (medium temperature)

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- No fixed shape, no fixed volume

- Distance between molecules is big

- Velocity of molecules is high, Kinetic 
energy is high

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A liquid has a fixed shape?

Slide 12 - Quiz

Phase transitions
Phase transition is a change of phase

Solid to liquid = Melting
Liquid to solid = Freezing
Liquid to gas = Evaporation
Gas to liquid = Condensation
Gas to solid = Deposition
Solid to gas = Sublimation

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Phase transitions
During a phase change the 
temperature stays constant.

The temperature will not 
change until all molecules 
have transitioned.

Slide 14 - Slide

A substance can change from solid to liquid. This is called a phase transition.
What is the name of this phase transition?

Slide 15 - Quiz

Collision theory

The movement of molecules is important for reacting.

Collision theory :
  • In order for molecules to react they have to collide with enough force to reach the activation energy. 
  • Temperature influences the rate of reaction because faster moving molecules have a higher chance of colliding with enough force to react.

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If molecules collide too forcefully they can change shape. 

This is harmful for enzymes since they must fit perfectly into molecules in order to function.

Denaturation:  when enzymes change shape and don’t fit.

Slide 17 - Slide

Optimum temperature

Optimum temperature:  where enzymes work fastest without denaturing

Slide 18 - Slide

  • Study the glossary of 4.5
  • Complete the exercises of 4.5 (p.190 -195)

Slide 19 - Slide

LAB: Temperatures effects in reactions
WARNING:  LAB = no warnings, misbehave --> 201

- Make a duo
- Get the worksheet from your teacher
- Grab your labjournal + Pen 
- Wait for your teacher to go to the lab

Slide 20 - Slide