Year 3 Period 5 (present, past, future tenses, passive, word order)

TEST Period 5 info and prep
- Listening, writing, grammar, words (Period 5)
- Voor de toets: DOE!!! - Leerblad op WIRED
(daar is alle grammatica herhaald!)
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EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 3

This lesson contains 53 slides, with text slides.

Items in this lesson

TEST Period 5 info and prep
- Listening, writing, grammar, words (Period 5)
- Voor de toets: DOE!!! - Leerblad op WIRED
(daar is alle grammatica herhaald!)

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3H Period 5 Grammar overview
1. WORDS (See WB)
a. Review: Tenses
- Present Simple and Present Continuous
- Past Simple, Past Continuous, Present Perfect
- Passive
b. Future tenses
- Will Future, Present Continuous (future)
c. Clauses with -ing and -ed endings
d. Word order

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- things we do often and that are our hobbies (dingen dat we met regelmaat doen en zijn onze hobby's)
- things that are always true -facts (feiten)
- things we like or dislike (dingen dat we leuk of juist niet leuk vinden)

I play tennis 3 times a week.
The Sun rises on the East and sets on the West.
Sacha likes tea but doesn't like coffee. 

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1. Bij SHE/HE/IT zetten we -s op het eind van het werkwoord (SHIT RULE!)
She plays piano every day.
Marcel drinks coffee every morning.
My dog always eats at 8 p.m.

2. Bij I, WE, THEY, YOU blijft het werkwoord gewoon hoe het is
They play piano every day.
Marcel and John drink coffee every morning.
My dogs always eat at 8 p.m.

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1. Bij SHE/HE/IT moet je doesn't voor het werkwoord zetten 
en het is geen s meer achter het werkwoord
She doesn't live in this house.
John doesn't love me.

2. Bij I, WE, THEY, YOU moet je don't voor het werkwoord zetten
en het is geen s achter het werkwoord
They don't live in this house.
John and Jane don't love coffee.

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1. bij SHE/HE/IT moet je DOES in het begin van de zin zetten
en het werkwoord heeft geen s meer!
Does she live in this house?
Does John love me?

2. Bij I, WE, THEY, YOU moet je DO in het begin van de zin zetten
en het werkwoord heeft geen s
Do they live in this house?
Do John and Jane love coffee?

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Present Simple
1. Lucy ________ (like) tea but she __________ (love) coffee.
2. I _________(not drink) tea.
3. _______ they _______ (love) rock music?
4. She _____________ (not drive) a car.
5. The dog ___________ (not eat) vegetables.
6. ________ John ________(fly) to London every week?
7. They ________ (walk) very fast.
do not/don't drink
Do they love...?
does not/doesn't drive
does not/doesn't eat
does John fly...?

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Present Continuous
am/is/are VERB+ing

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Present Continuous
- When we want to say what is happening RIGHT NOW 

Signal words: now, right now, at the moment, as we speak
AND if you are describing a photo!!
I am drinking coffee right now.
Tijn is writing in his notebook at the moment.
Loes and Roos are daydreaming about lunch.

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Verb to be:
I -> am writing
he/she/it -> is writing
they/we/you -> are writing

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Ontkennende zin Present Continuous

I am not speaking English. 
Floor is not/isn't writing in her notebook.
You are not/aren't listening to the teacher.

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Vragende zin Present Continuous

Am I speaking English right now?
Is Floor writing in her notebook?
Are you listening to the teacher?

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Present Simple vs Present Continuous
1. She __________ (like) coffee but as we speak she ___________ (drink) tea.
2. The students _____________ (run) 5km at the moment.
3. We always _________ (write) a lot during our English class. But right now we ___________ (listen).
4. It ________ (get) dark every day at 5p.m. already. Look! It is 4:50 and the sun _____________ (set). 

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Present Continuous practice
1. Do the first 7 examples on here: LINK
2. Too easy? Complete the test: LINK

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Talking about the past...
If you want to say something that happened
5 minutes ago, yesterday, 5 years ago, in 1994, a Century ago...
you use PAST SIMPLE tense

- The lesson started 5 minutes ago.
- The students went home early yesterday.
Miss Salehar moved to the Netherlands 5 years ago

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LIST on pg. 27
pg. 41

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Bevestigende:  I bought this shirt on sales yesterday. 
(?) Did I buy this shirt on sales yesterday?
(-) I didn't buy this shirt on sales yesterday.

(?) = Did + persoon + ww (terug naar tegenwoordige tijd) +?
(-) = didn't + ww (terug naar tegenwoordige tijd)

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Past Continuous
It happened in the past...
 We said that about Past simple as well...
So how is it different?

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1. When one action interrupted another.

I was walking to school when I suddenly saw an accident.

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2. When we want to specify an event was taking longer

At 11 p.m. last night I was doing my homework.

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3. When we are describing an event that happened in the past

When I walked into the classroom Sam was eating his sandwich, Janne and Bas were exchanging notes, 
Loes and Jan were making a tiktok and 
only Kris and Emma were studying irregular verbs.

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4. two events happening at the same time (+ for longer)

The whole class was daydreaming about their lunch 
while  Ms Salehar was explaining Past Continuous.

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Past Continuous FORM
1. Bij HE/SHE/IT/I=> WAS + verb-ing
I was walking down the street. 
John was skipping English.

2. Bij THEY/WE/YOU => WERE + verb-ing
We were writing a lot the last lesson.
The students were clapping after the drama performance.

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1. Ontkennende zinnen
I wasn't walking down the street.
We weren't writing a lot last time.

2. Vragende zinnen
Was I walking down the street?
Were we writing a lot last time?

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Put the verbs into the correct tense 
(simple past or past continuous).
Example: When I (do) was doing the washing-up, I (break) broke a plate.
1. While Tom (play) _______the piano, his mother (do) _______the washing-up.
2. I (have) _______ dinner when I suddenly (hear) ________ a loud bang.
3. When my father (work) __________ in the garden, an old friend __________(pass) by to see him.
4. She (go) __________________ to school, (take) ______________ out her textbook and (begin) __________ to learn.

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Past Simple/Continuous?
1. When Jane (do) ______________ a language course in Ireland, she (visit) ___________ Blarney Castle.
2. When I (be) ______________________ on my way home, I (see) _______________________ an accident.
3. I (not / understand) ___________________ what they (talk) ________________________ about.
4. ________ our dog _________ (come) back inside when it (start) __________________ to rain?
5. I ________________ (not-sleep) at 11 p.m.

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Something that happened in the past but it is still true today
1. Miss Salehar has lived in the Netherlands for 5 years.
2. Jane has never skydived
3. I have done my homework already.
4. My parents have owned this house since 2001.

HE/SHE/IT -> HAS + ww (3de rijtje)
I, THEY, WE, YOU -> HAVE + ww (3de rijtje)
Signaalwoordjes: since, yet, for __ years, already, never, ever, always

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Bevestigende zin: I have already finished reading this book.
(?) Have I already finished reading this book?
(-) I haven't finished reading this book. 

Bevestigende zin: She has lived in Japan for 3 years. 
(?) Has she lived in Japan for 3 years?
(-) She hasn't lived in Japan for 3 years.

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Simple Past OR Present Perfect

1. The police _______________________ (arrest) two people early this morning.
2. She ___________________ (go) to Japan a few years ago but yesterday she _________ (come) back.
3. Dan ___________________________ (already/buy) two tablets this year.
4. How many games ________________________ (your team/win) so far this season?
5. (you/visit) ________________________ the CN Tower when you were staying in Toronto?
6. you/do) __________________________ your homework yet? – Yes, I ____________________ (finish) it an hour ago.
7. I __________________________ (not see) Peter since I  _______________________ (arrive) last Tuesday.
8. Frank _______________(get) his bike last May. So he ______________(have) it for 4 months.

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1. They __________ (learn) all the new words. They needn't worry about the test today.
2. Three people __________ (visit) him in hospital last Friday.
3. Martin _______ (cycle) for 50 miles on scenic routes three weeks ago.
4. We (try/never)  chicken Tandoori before.
5. ________ you _________ (find) a job yet?
6. Emily and Molly ____________ (know) each other for more than 10 years now.
7. First he ___________ (listen) to the announcement, then he _________ (go) to a café for a drink.
8. She  __________ (be) late four times this week.
9. What's that lovely smell in here? - Jasmin ___________ (bake) a yummy cake.
10. The Titanic ________ (hit) an iceberg in 1912 and sank within three hours.

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They have learned all the new words. They needn't worry about the test.

Three people visited him in hospital last Friday.
Martin cycled for 50 miles on scenic routes three weeks ago.
We have never tried chicken Tandoori before.
Have you found a job yet?
Emily and Molly have known each other for more than 10 years now.
First he listened to the announcement, then he went to a café for a drink.
She has been late four times this week.
What's that lovely smell in here? - Jasmin has baked a yummy cake.
The Titanic hit an iceberg in 1912 and sank within three hours.

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- You have revised the tenses
- Get the book: Holding Up the Universe and read

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(will, going to, present continuous)

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Going to Future
  • it is 100% going to happen
  • - Plans, predictions with evidence, intentions
  • I am going to (go to) Spain in a week, I just booked my ticket.
  • My parents aren't going to join me. They are going to Peru.

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WILL future
  • personal opinion, spontaneous decisions, offers, requests, promises etc.
    Signal words: I think, I hope, probably, I promise
  • - I think she will quit her job. (think - opinion!)
  • - We will probably be in another lockdown in a week (prediction, no evidence)
  • - Spontaneous decisions:
  • Susan: It is so heavy! 
  • Mark: Here, I’ll help you.

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Won't / Shall
I will buy some socks but I won't (=will not) buy any shoes!

Question with WE and I = SHALL can we used.

Shall we get some dinner?

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Present Continuous
  • Appointments, plans at a specific time, programmed events (furneals, weddings, interview)
  • I’m having my dentist appointment tomorrow morning at 10AM.
  • I’m taking an English exam on Monday at 3PM
  • She’s attending a wedding on Saturday.

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- Present Simple, Past Simple and Present Perfect

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Active and Passive voice
What is it?
Active: We say WHO did it
The teacher graded the tests.
The result: Now the students know their grades.
Passive: When we do not say who did it
The tests were graded.
The result: Now the students know their grades.
Active: We say WHO did it

Passive: We do not say WHO did it
The result in both sentences is the same!

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WHY passive voice?
1. When we do not know WHO did it
My car was stolen yesterday.
2. When it does not matter WHO did it (the activity is more important than the person who did it)
The president was sworn in on a cold January morning.
3. Scientific texts
The rat was placed into a maze.

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HOW do we make passive voice?
  • Active voice: John woke up Jane.
  • - 1. See who did it (person) -> John
  • - 2. What did they do (verb) and in what TENSE -> woke up (past simple)
  • - 3. What is the object they did it to (a thing, another person…) -> Jane
  • - 1. Put the object in the beginning and forget about the person -> Jane
  • - 2. Add the verb ‘BE’ in the same tense! -> was (past simple)
  • - 3. Put the verb from the sentence to 3th row (3e rijtje) -> woken up
  • Passive voice: JANE WAS WOKEN UP (by John)

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Active: John collects money.
1. See WHO did it: 
2. WHAT did he DO (verb) & tense: COLLECTS (present simple!)
3. What is the OBJECT?
4. Object in the beginning: Money
5. VERB be in present simple: is
6. Verb 3de rijtje: collected

Passive: Money is collected (by John). 

Active: John collected money.
1. See WHO did it: 
2. WHAT did he DO (verb) & tense: COLLECTED (past simple!)
3. What is the OBJECT?
4. Object in the beginning: Money
5. VERB be in present simple: was
6. Verb 3de rijtje: collected

Passive: Money was collected (by John). 

Active: John has been collecting money,
Passive: The money has been collected by John. 

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- Jamil wrote these letters yesterday. 
- He has invited many guests. 
- I do not see him these days. 
- Has he helped you with money?

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Jamil wrote these letters yesterday. These letters were written by Jamil yesterday.
He has invited many guests. Many guests have been invited by him.
I do not see him these days. He is not seen by me these days.
Has he helped you with money? Has you been helped by him with money?

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Put these sentences into the passive (present or past)
c) People have exported Spanish tortilla to the US.
e) You don’t find penguins at the North Pole. 
f) Columbus didn’t discover America in 1491. 
g) They have drawn some paintings. 

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Put these sentences into the passive (present or past)
c) People have exported Spanish tortilla to the US. -> Spanish tortilla have been exported to the US.
e) You don’t find penguins at the North Pole. -> Penguins aren't found at the NP.
f) Columbus didn’t discover America in 1491. -> America wasn't discovered by...
g) They have drawn a painting. -> A painting has been drawn.

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How to make sentences shorter: WRITING SENTENCES with 
-ED and -ING

1. Example -ING:
Who is the girl who is shouting in the hallway? -> Who is the girl who is shouting in the hallway?
When he was talking about video games, his face lit up. -> Talking about video games, his face...
2. Example -ED:
Because he was scared of the dark, Thomas left the light on. -> Because he was scared of the dark, Thomas left the light on.
Max rescues the girl, who is revealed to be her longtime friend Chloe. -> Max rescues the girl
who is revealed to be her longtime friend Chloe.

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-ED and -ING
Practice: WIRED
Exercise 1: Writing sentences with ED and ING

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Word order
1. Place before Time (at the end of the sentence)
A plague swept across Europe between 1347 and 1351.
He arrived at my house an hour ago.
2. Onderwerp, werkwoord en lijdend voorwerp staan in het Engels zo dicht mogelijk bij elkaar 
Monks wrote books about the plague.
Most people didn't like having to deal with an infected person.

3. Adverbs (bijwoorden) like: always, definitely, never, often, quickly en regularly 

1. before the verb
The disease quickly spread across villages.
You always say that, but it is never true
2. After am/is/are/was/were...
The plague was often deadly.
People were definitely worried.

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Practice: WIRED
Exercise 4: The Right Order (G)

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