introduction klassen 2, schooljaar 24-25

Introduction klassen 2, schooljaar 24-25

1 / 43
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMBOStudiejaar 2

This lesson contains 43 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 120 min

Items in this lesson

Introduction klassen 2, schooljaar 24-25


Slide 1 - Slide

A holiday isn’t a holiday without good weather.

Slide 2 - Slide

Inloggen LessonUp

    • Ga naar
    • Vul de code in 
    • Log in met je voornaam
    • Je naam komt in beeld

               BRING IT ON!

    Slide 3 - Slide

    How was your holiday?

    Slide 4 - Poll

    •  Expectations/Rules 
    •  Warming up
    •  Information 1
    •  Information 2

    Slide 5 - Slide

    My expectations: 
    • Show up on time
    • Be responsible for your own learning process
    • Give me feedback 
    • Keep in touch!
    • Deadline is deadline
    • Rules help control the fun. So let's not break them

    Slide 6 - Slide

    Slide 7 - Slide

    RULE NO 1
    Come to class on time and be well-prepared (take books with you, earphones for listening exercises, pen, etc)

    Slide 8 - Slide

    RULE NO 2
    Mobile phones are not allowed! (with the exception that the teacher asks you to use it! Leave it in your bag!
     If you use your mobile telephone without permission, you must hand it in.

    Slide 9 - Slide

    RULE NO 3
    If you are too late you can only come in after checking in with me.

    Slide 10 - Slide

    RULE NO 4
    active study - and professional attitude

    Slide 11 - Slide

    RULE NO 5 (online/interactive lessons)
    - camera on
    - microphone muted (unless you want to say something)
    - login to LessonUp with your real name

    Slide 12 - Slide

    RULE NO 6

    Slide 13 - Slide

    I have read the rules and I agree to follow them.
    Write down your name:

    Slide 14 - Open question

    Warming up: riddle #1
    On the first day of the school year, a geography teacher was murdered. The police had 4 suspects: the gardener, the math teacher, the coach, and the school principal. They all had alibis:
    • The gardener was cutting bushes.
    • The math teacher was holding a mid-year test.
    • The coach was playing basketball.
    • The principal was in his office.
    The killer was arrested immediately. 

    Slide 15 - Slide

    Who killed the geography teacher, and how did the police solve the mystery?

    Slide 16 - Open question

    Do you have the book, Basic Legal English?
    Yes, I do
    No, I still need to buy it

    Slide 17 - Quiz

    Do you have an activated license Taalblokken?
    Yes, I do
    No, I don't
    yes, I do, but I still need to activate it

    Slide 18 - Quiz

    Voeg je geactiveerde taalblokken toe aan de juiste klas met de gegeven code!
    25726OSLD2A1  -  345666

    Slide 19 - Slide

    Slide 20 - Slide

    Slide 21 - Slide

    Slide 22 - Slide

    Slide 23 - Slide

    Slide 24 - Slide

    Slide 25 - Slide

    Slide 26 - Slide

    Slide 27 - Slide

    Slide 28 - Slide

    Slide 29 - Slide

    Slide 30 - Slide

    Slide 31 - Slide

    Slide 32 - Slide

    Slide 33 - Slide

    Warming up: riddle#2
    What is the number of the parking spot?

    Slide 34 - Open question

    this year
    exam year:
    - reading and listening
    - writing
    - speaking and conversation

    Slide 35 - Slide

    Planning the exams
    - lees luisterexamen: centraal
    - 90 min, achter computer
    - andere examens: tijdens lesuur/ toetsweek
    - 5 a 10 min voor mondeling
    - 60 min voor schrijven, ook achter computer

    Slide 36 - Slide

    - samenhang
    - woordenschat
    - grammaticale correctheid
    spelling, interpunctie en lay-out
    - afstemming op publiek
    - vloeiendheid
    - uitspraak

    Slide 37 - Slide

    centraal examen = lezen en luisteren: 50%
    instellingsexamen = schrijven, spreken, gespekken voeren: 3 cijfers -> gemiddelde van de 3: 50%
    eindcijfer afgerond op heel cijfer

    Slide 38 - Slide


    Slide 39 - Slide

    Slide 40 - Slide

     next time!
    0- meting test grammar B1 Taalblokken, be all there!

    Slide 41 - Slide

    See you in class next time! 

    Slide 42 - Slide

    Slide 43 - Link