Week 22.1-2-3

Week 22 Unit 6  Revision
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EngelsMiddelbare schoolmavoLeerjaar 2

This lesson contains 23 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 45 min

Items in this lesson

Week 22 Unit 6  Revision

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  • I know what the test of Unit 6 is about
  • I have started to sudy the words and expressions of Unit 6 
  • I can work on English  independently
  • I know how and when to use PaS & PaC
  • I know the wordorder of ADVERBS
  • I know how and when to use the possessive pronouns

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Test Unit 6
  • Vocabulary U6
  • Expressions U6
  • Gram: U6L2 wordorder
  • Gram: U6L4 Past Simple (PaS) vs Past Continuous  (PaC)
  • Gram: U6L5 Possessive forms

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  • Revision Vocabulary U6L2-3-4-5
  • Revision Expressions U6L3-5
  • Revision Wordorder Adverbs U6L2
  • Revision Past Simple (PaS) vs Past Continuous (PaC) U6L4
  • Revision Possessive pronouns

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U6L2 Wordorder 

Each Adverbs has its own link. Full explanation 

Slide 6 - Slide

Adverb of Frequency

Slide 7 - Slide

Adverb of Manner

Slide 8 - Slide

Adverb of Place & Time (PTT)

Slide 9 - Slide

The Past Simple (PaS), The Past Continuous (PaC)  

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Past Simple PaS (vt)
* - ed of 2e rijtje onregelmatige werkwoorden
* Er staat een VT-bepaling in de zin (yesterday - last week)

I broke my leg yesterday.
I learned to cook when I was young.
Past Continuous (PaC) (vt)
To be + ww + ing
(am - is - are)(was & were)
* was  iets "aan het" doen 
* was  je aan het ergeren

I was walking to school when I saw John.

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Examples of possessive pronouns
  • I have a dog. This dog is mine
  • Whose dog is this? Oh that is my dog!
  • I want you to meet a good friend of mine

  • What do they have in common?
  • Geven bezit aan

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Possessive pronouns
There are three scenario's
  1. You have a noun after the possessive pronoun
  2. You do not have a noun
  3. Independent possessive pronouns

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1) Possesive pronoun + noun
  • To show possession
  • Noun = zelfstandig naamwoord 

  • Mijn – my
  • Jouw – your
  • Zijn / haar / het – his / her / its
  • Ons – our
  • Hun – their
  •  My football is signed by Michael Jordan.
  • Your computer is quite old and slow.
  • His property was ravaged by the storm last week.
  • Her dog is twelve years old.
  • The rabbit moves around its cage
  • Our house was sold to a lovely couple last month.
  • Their parents are lovely people.

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2) No noun - possesive pronoun
  • To show possession
  • Noun = zelfstandig naamwoord 

  • Van mij – mine
  • Van jou – yours
  • Van hem / haar – his / hers
  • Van ons – ours
  • Van jullie – yours
  • Van hen – theirs
  •  Is that his pen? - No, it's mine.
  • Those earrings are yours.
  • Is that his or her scarf? – It’s his.
  • That drawing is hers.
  • How is your day going? Ours is going great!
  • Whose laptop is that? – It's theirs.

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3) Independent possessive pronoun
  • We can also use them independently
  • Often there is a noun in front

  • Van mij –  of mine
  • Van jou – of yours
  • Van hem / haar – of his / hers
  • Van ons – of ours
  • Van jullie – of yours
  • Van hen – of theirs
  •  This is a design of mine.
  • That dog of yours is feral.
  • That friend of his is not very nice.
  • This game of ours is brilliant.
  • This is a design of theirs.

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Possessive pronouns - practice 1
  1. He loves that new mountain bike ___.
  2. When they were driving home, suddenly ___ car broke down.
  3. We took those pens. Those pens are ___.
  4. He has bought a new bike. Is it really ___?
  5. Hey Nate! Is he ___ teacher?
  6. Kate and Eric bought a cat. That cat ___ is vicious – I’m surprised they haven’t been bitten yet.
  7. Hey Ron! This is not our car. ___ is red.
  8. Lisa broke ___ left leg. 

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Possessive pronouns - key 1
  1. He loves that new mountain bike of his.
  2. When they were driving home, suddenly their car broke down.
  3. We took those pens. Those pens are ours.
  4. He has bought a new bike. Is it really his?
  5. Hey Nate! Is he our / your / my teacher?
  6. Kate and Eric bought a cat. That cat of theirs is vicious – I’m surprised they haven’t been bitten yet.
  7. Hey Ron! This is not our car. Ours is red.
  8. Lisa broke her left leg. 

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Possessive pronouns - practice 2
  1. Is this Emily's room? – Yes, it's ___.
  2. I lost ___ pen in the library. Can I have one of ___?
  3. Your umbrella has been destroyed by the wind. That umbrella ___ didn’t last long at all.
  4. Look at that dog. ___ fur is so beautiful.
  5. Look at this picture. These are my daughters. ___ names are Jane and Laura.
  6. John was born in Bristol but ___ father was born in Manchester.
  7. I want to go to a Rihanna concert. I really like ___.

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Possessive pronouns - key 2
  1. Is this Emily's room? – Yes, it's hers.
  2. I lost my pen in the library. Can I have one of yours?
  3. Your umbrella has been destroyed by the wind. That umbrella of yours didn’t last long at all.
  4. Look at that dog. Its fur is so beautiful.
  5. Look at this picture. These are my daughters. Their names are Jane and Laura.
  6. John was born in Bristol but his father was born in Manchester.
  7. I want to go to a Rihanna concert. I really like her.

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Possessive pronouns - practice 3
  1. I don't have my mobile phone. Can I use ___?
  2. We need help. Can you help ___?
  3. Carla and Ned have a really nice car. I love ___ car.
  4. This T-shirt is not mine. Is it ___?
  5. I am going to see the Rolling Stones. Do you like ___?
  6. We live in a nice house but ___ neighbours are horrible!
  7. I miss my parents. I want to send ___ a postcard.

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Possessive pronouns - key 3
  1. I don't have my mobile phone. Can I use yours?
  2. We need help. Can you help us?
  3. Carla and Ned have a really nice car. I love their car.
  4. This T-shirt is not mine. Is it yours?
  5. I am going to see the Rolling Stones. Do you like them?
  6. We live in a nice house but our neighbours are horrible!
  7. I miss my parents. I want to send them a postcard.

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