V2J's English Lesson recap of the first conditionals (08-06-2023)
TH2C's Lesson on the future tenses
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EngelsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 2
This lesson contains 15 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 1 video.
Lesson duration is: 60 min
Items in this lesson
TH2C's Lesson on the future tenses
Slide 1 - Slide
Today's Programme
* Speakingactivity: Imagine you go to South Africa, which activities would be in your top five (ranging first to last)?
* Show what you know! (recap vocab and grammar)
*Check answers last lesson
*Mock Test Unit 5
Slide 2 - Slide
Let's say you go on a holiday to South Africa. Make a top five out of these activities that your neighbour and you would put on your to-do list: Going on a safari - Hiking the Table Mountain - visiting the National Slavery Museum - Eating streetfood - going surfing - Lazing on the beach
Slide 3 - Open question
The mammoth is an animal species that is e_________ now. There are not species left anymore.
Slide 4 - Quiz
This weekend, if the weather is not too hot, I _________(go) to Zwolle and watch the big running event.
will go
will goes
Slide 5 - Quiz
Roostertijd: The train ________(leave) from platform 6 at 5 p.m.
is going to leave
will leave
Slide 6 - Quiz
Your friend while you're waiting at the terminal: "I _____________ (text) my mother when we land in New York. She's always concerned about my safety! Announcer at the airport: "Please proceed to gate 5 as Flight M408 to New York_______(depart) in 30 minutes." My friend: "I hope we _________(arrive) at the gate in time. I guess we need to hurry up!"
Slide 7 - Open question
Slide 8 - Video
Unit 5, lesson 6
Next lesson:
*Keep up with the learning (words, expressions, grammar);
-Finish exercises 2 till 4
Slide 9 - Slide
What can you say about the way that white and non-white Africans live? Do they have the same opportunities?
Slide 10 - Open question
Why are the crime rates so high?
White Africans live in larger houses, have more access to education and piped water. Most offices are located in areas where they live. People from non-white communities (townships) need to travel long distances to their jobs while earning low wages. Native Africans don't have the same possibilities. Some people become so desperate in these situations that they resort to criminal activities.
What do you think? Do you think it's justified native Africans commit crimes to put bread on the table?
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Let's check the answers of the exercises you did in the previous lesson.
Turn to page: 180
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exercise 6
a.) I'm going to be late (mijn dienst start om 11 uur -> bus nog niet aangekomen, dan ga je wel te laat komen)
b.) starts (roostertijd)
c.) Is not going to like that (bewijs: ze is nu sacherijnig; Dan gaat ze al helemaal niet blij zijn met het feit dat je te laat komt)
d.) Shall ______wait
e.) Won't arrive -> probably (waarschijnlijk)
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Exercise 6
f.) will ___ tell (zal je me dat vertellen?)
g.) am going to meet (je moet nu gaan om je afspraak te halen)