Keuzedeel Engels A2/B1 - week (les) 20

Engels keuzedeel A2/B1
Les 20
Start: 19:00 uur
1 / 31
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMBOStudiejaar 1

This lesson contains 31 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

Items in this lesson

Engels keuzedeel A2/B1
Les 20
Start: 19:00 uur

Slide 1 - Slide

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Programme 20-4-2022
1.  Repeat past simple/present perfect 
2. Grammar: word order
3. Grammar/vocab exercises  
4. Writing assignment 
5. Homework

Slide 2 - Slide

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2. Grammar: past simple/present perfect
Past simple = verleden tijd
Let op: het is gebeurd, het is afgelopen
Je kunt meestal de vraag stellen: wanneer? (tijdsbepaling)
I moved to this house in 2018

present perfect = verleden tijd
Let op: het is gebeurd, maar het is niet belangrijk wanneer
De tijdsbepaling is vaag of geen tijdsbepaling:
I have never been in Spain
Marc hasn't called me yet

Slide 3 - Slide

10-15 min
Past simple - hoe maak je het?
Past simple:
regelmatig werkwoord: je zet -ed achter het werkwoord
onregelmatig werkwoord: de verleden tijd vorm uit je hoofd leren (2e rijtje)

Present perfect:
have/has + voltooid deelwoord
voltooid deelwoord van regelmatig werkwoord: je zet -ed achter het werkwoord
onregelmatig werkwoord: de verleden tijd vorm uit je hoofd leren (3e rijtje)

Slide 4 - Slide

10-20 min
Oefenen met Socrative
Go to
Student login
Enter roomnumber 610638
Enter your name
Start the quiz

Slide 5 - Slide

10-20 min
Word order
At the end of this lesson...

  • You know how to make correct sentences in English

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Wie - doet - wat/wie - waar - wanneer
 Keith            met            his friend        in that restaurant     yesterday.     

 Anne           drinks         a glass of soda     at school          every break.

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The parents
to football training

every Sunday

their son

Slide 13 - Drag question

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Jacky and Pete
aren't going
to the cinema

Slide 14 - Drag question

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Choose the sentence with the correct word order.
I met her boyfriend yesterday at school.
I met her boyfriend at school yesterday.

Slide 15 - Quiz

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Choose the sentence with the correct word order.
He swims every day in the canal.
He swims in the canal every day.
In the canal he swims every day.
Swims he in the canal every day.

Slide 16 - Quiz

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Correct word order:
her / in town / yesterday / I / met
I met her in town yesterday.
I met her yesterday in town.
I yesterday met her in town.
I met yesterday her in town.

Slide 17 - Quiz

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Make a correct sentence:
We – food – Italian – on Sundays – eat - .

Slide 18 - Open question

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Jacky - at school - this morning - ate -
her breakfast - .

Slide 19 - Open question

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Bijwoorden van Frequentie
woorden die aangeven hoe vaak je iets doet

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Waar staan deze woorden in een zin?

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De bijwoorden van frequentie 
(bv. always, usually, regurlarly, sometimes, rarely, seldom, never) staan voor het werkwoord (bij 1 werkwoord in de zin).
Behalve .............

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Bij het werkwoord 'to be' :
Bij am/ are/ is/ was / were zetten 
we het bijwoord van Frequentie 
achter het werkwoord

He is rarely late
She was always happy

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2 of meer werkwoorden in de 
zin :
Bijwoord van frequentie staat 
er tussenin.

I have never seen him before. 
You can always count on me.

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Choose the sentence with the correct word order.
We are never in a position to complain.
We never are in a position to complain.

Slide 26 - Quiz

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Choose the sentence with the correct word order.
Have ever you read a novel by J.R.R. Tolkien?
Have you read ever a novel by J.R.R. Tolkien?
Have you read a novel by J.R.R. Tolkien ever?
Have you ever read a novel by J.R.R. Tolkien?

Slide 27 - Quiz

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nine – usually – soccer – on – she – Thursdays – at – has – practice - .

Slide 28 - Open question

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in 1916 – in London – the first British theme park – opened - .

Slide 29 - Open question

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Practice yourself 
1. Practice word order with the handout
2. Vocabulary, book p.171/172 (ex.3+4)
3. Practice word order online - studiemeter:
- Engels verkort online
- B1
- Grammatica oefenen
- woordvolgorde


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6. Homework
Study + practice vocabulary B1 with studiemeter
Repeat word order

Next time:
Spelling and punctuation

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