You can explain which organs are part of the reproductive system.
You can name the parts of the sexual organs of a man and a woman, including the similarities and differences.
You can describe the primary sexual characteristics.
Homework U4 B1
1 / 16
Slide 1: Slide
BiologieMiddelbare schoolhavo, vwoLeerjaar 2
This lesson contains 16 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.
Lesson duration is: 45 min
Items in this lesson
B1 Sexual organs
Jacket in your locker
Put your things on your desk
Notebook, pencil case
Bag on the floor
Read pages 8-11
You can explain which organs are part of the reproductive system.
You can name the parts of the sexual organs of a man and a woman, including the similarities and differences.
You can describe the primary sexual characteristics.
Homework U4 B1
Slide 1 - Slide
Secret Student
This lesson, I have randomly picked someone to be the secret student.
I pay special attention to:
Your use of English
Your participation in the lesson
At the end I will reveal the secret student, If I can give them positive feedback, they also earn 1/3 +0,5 OR +1 cm² cheat sheet.
Slide 2 - Slide
Alphabet: Think-Pair-Share
Think: Work on the assignment on your own.
Write all the letters of the alphabet in your notebook in 3 rows
Use each letter to write a word that has to do with: reproduction, sexuality, gender, sex, pregnancy, etc.
Pair: Discuss and compare with your neighbour, improve your answer
Share: Talk about given answers during plenary session.
Slide 3 - Slide
What is the difference between your sex and gender?
Slide 4 - Open question
Primary sexual characteristics
Anatomical characteristics that define your sex
Primary > present at birth
Vulva is the name used for all the external parts of the female reproductive organ together
Slide 5 - Slide
Mix of male and female sexual characteristics
Visible from birth or later (during puberty)
1 in 90 people is intersex
Biological, very different from transgender!
Raven van Dorst is visible in the photo. You might know them from TV.
Raven was born with true hermaphroditism (a form of intersex) and refers to themselves as a hermaphrodite.
On doctors' advice, Raven's parents had the external male genitalia surgically removed shortly after birth. Raven describes this procedure and its consequences as traumatic.
Intersex is a group of people with a lot of variation!
The way in which people are intersex varies a lot.
What they have in common is that all of them have male AND female sexual characteristics
You are born intersex. It happens because of your DNA.
When someone is trangender they decide that their gender doesn't match their sex
Slide 6 - Slide
There can be a hymen:
In most cases doesn't close off vagina
Differs in size
Sometimes no hymen
This is the entrance to the vagina, which is a tube that connects to the uterus.
Both labia can produce a liquid during sex,
This liquid works like lube (=glijmiddel)
They can also become hard
When a woman pees, it comes out of the urethra.
Which is different from the vagina!
Very sensitive to stimulation
makes a woman orgasm.
Much of the clitoris is on the inside of the body.
Which can fill with blood and become 'stiff'.
Slide 7 - Slide
fallopian tube
Slide 8 - Drag question
The scrotum contains the testes.
It regulates the temperature to be slightly lower than body temperature.
This is good for the production of spermcells
The glans (penis) is very sensitive.
It makes a man orgasm
The foreskin is a thin layer of skin which covers the glans.
During an erection the glans becomes visible.
Men who are circumsized have their foreskin removed.
This is often done for religious of medical reasons.
When aroused, erectile tissues in the penis fill with blood.
This makes the penis go erect (an erection)
What is average?
The average flaccid penis is 9.16 cm (3.61 inches) in length.
The average erect penis is 13.12 cm (5.16 inches) long.
Slide 9 - Slide
glans foreskin
erictile tissue
sperm duct
seminal vesicle
Slide 10 - Drag question
Copy the table and complete it: what parts have a similar function?
Same but different
< think
pair >
Slide 11 - Slide
What you should do: U4 B1
Pages 8-15
Asgmt 1-6
OR challenge
Asgmt 4-8
Done with the above?
Work on the next chapter(s)
Learn for the test
Make other homework
Read a book
Zs = Working in Silence
No asking questions
Silent, don't disturb anyone
Stay at your desk
Slide 12 - Slide
What you should do: U4 B1
Pages 8-14
Asgmt 1-8
OR challenge
Asgmt 5-10
Done with the above?
Work on the next chapter(s)
Learn for the test
Make other homework
Read a book
Zw = Working with whispering
Teacher is available for questions
Only whisper with the student next to you
Stay at your desk
Slide 13 - Slide
Many people say only men can have a 'boner'. Is that correct? Why (not)?
Slide 14 - Open question
Secret Student
The secret student was .......
I paid special attention to:
Your use of English
Your participation in the lesson
If I can give them positive feedback,
they also earn 1/3 +0,5 OR +1 cm² cheat sheet.
Slide 15 - Slide
Tidy Duty
3 people each lesson
Desks: empty and straight
Chairs: underneath the desks OR end of day: on the desks