M2A SS7 chapter 6H

Welcome M2A
Week 6 - Lesson 2
Speaking & Stones
1 / 13
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolmavoLeerjaar 2

This lesson contains 13 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 45 min

Items in this lesson

Welcome M2A
Week 6 - Lesson 2
Speaking & Stones

Slide 1 - Slide

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At the end of this class, I ...
  • ... can talk/ write about my wishes and plans.

Slide 2 - Slide

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  1. Terugblik PTO 2
  2. Profielboekjes (gestuurd via Magister)
  3. Profielkeuzeformulier invullen 
Inschrijven herkansingen
  • Ik heb jullie de link naar het formulier gestuurd (Magister - berichten).
  • Je mag 2 toetsen herkansen.
  • Vul het formulier in en klik op verzenden.
  • Let op dat je de juiste PTO kiest!

BELANGRIJK: Je hebt alleen vandaag en morgen om je in te schrijven!!!!!

Slide 3 - Slide

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  1. Terugblik PTO 2
  2. Profielboekjes (gestuurd via Magister)
  3. Profielkeuzeformulier invullen 
Reminder: PO speaking
The assignment consist of 2 parts:
  1. Talking about fun experiences (SS, chapter 6)
  2. Talking about a book you read

You make 2 videos, one for each assignment.

Deadline: 9th June 2023 at 23.95 pm.
Hand-in via:  https://wetransfer.com/

Slide 4 - Slide

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Stone 18, page 134

Slide 5 - Slide

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Stone 18, page 134
Which Stone sentence fits each of the pictures?

Slide 6 - Slide

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Think of something you want to do or achieve in the periods of time that are written on the next couple of slides.
Finish the sentences.

Slide 7 - Slide

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Before the end of the year, I ...

Slide 8 - Open question

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In five years' time, I ...

Slide 9 - Open question

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When I'm 30 years old I ...

Slide 10 - Open question

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On the next slide are 8 words listed. The letters of each word are mixed up.
Use the vocabulary list on page 144/145 (only vocabulary A & C) to identify the word.
Write the words on a piece of paper.

Slide 11 - Slide

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  1. Terugblik PTO 2
  2. Profielboekjes (gestuurd via Magister)
  3. Profielkeuzeformulier invullen 
  • laps
  • journey
  • bonding
  • force
  • immediately
  • purchase
  • wrinkles
  • worthwhile
1. aslp
2. ojyrenu
3. ondnibg
4. ocefr
5. lyiaietmmde
6. ruscaphe
7. kwrenlis
8. whholiwert


Slide 12 - Slide

- Exercise 52, page 135

Study/ learn:
- Vocabulary G, page 145

Slide 13 - Slide

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