6MT - grammar - conditionals, word order, numbers and gerunds
1 - Conditionals 2- Word order
3 - Gerunds vs to-infinitive
4 - Numbers
1 / 37
Slide 1: Slide
This lesson contains 37 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.
Items in this lesson
1 - Conditionals 2- Word order
3 - Gerunds vs to-infinitive
4 - Numbers
Slide 1 - Slide
1 - Conditionals - remember
Usually two parts: a conditional clause (if), a main clause (then)
zero conditional - 100% sure
type 1 - quite likely
type 2 - rather unlikely
type 3 - imagining how something could have been different
Don't forget, no would or will in the conditional clause (if)
Slide 2 - Slide
01 What phrase correctly completes the sentence? > You would have improved your English,
If you would have gone to London
If you would go to London
If you went to London
If you had gone to London
Slide 3 - Quiz
01 - type 3 conditional
You would have improved (...), would + have + -ed form
If you had gone to London if + past perfect
Slide 4 - Slide
02 What phrase correctly completes the sentence? > You would go to Australia,
If you would have the money
If you had had the money
If you had the money
If you would have had the money
Slide 5 - Quiz
02 - type 2 conditional
You would go to Australia, would + infinitive
If you had the money if + past simple
Slide 6 - Slide
03 What phrase correctly completes the sentence? > If she gets the job
She will have to get up early
She would have to get up early
She had to get up early
She will have had to get up early
Slide 7 - Quiz
03 - type 1 conditional
If she gets the job if + present simple
She will have to get up early, will + infinitive
Slide 8 - Slide
04 Fill in the correct tense: You would have succeeded, if you _?_ (to listen) to me.
Slide 9 - Open question
04 - type 3 conditional
You would have succeeded, would + have + -ed form
If you had listened to me if + past perfect
Slide 10 - Slide
05 Fill in the correct tense: If they ask us, we _?_ (to help) them out.
Slide 11 - Open question
05 - type 1 conditional
If they ask us if + present simple
We will help them out will + infinitive
Slide 12 - Slide
2- Word order - remember (1)
Multiple adjectives with one noun have a preferred order >> red big ball >> big red ball
Questions use auxiliary 'to do' and have inversion >> We buy here >> do we buy here?
If multiple adverbs at the end of a sentence, preferred order is manner - place - time >> he goes now there slowly >> he slowly goes there now
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2 - Word order - remember (2)
Watch position of adverbs, diff. types prefer diff. positions
>> e.g. adverbs of frequency (often, never...) in mid position
mid position is between the subject and the main verb If more than one verb, after first modal or auxiliary >> e.g. he never should go > he should never go
Slide 14 - Slide
06 Where do you position the adverb 'usually' >> He would go
Usually, he would go
He usually would go
He would usually go
He would go usually
Slide 15 - Quiz
06 - word order (adverbs)
>> He would usually go
usually = adverb of frequency = preferred mid position
Mid position is between subject (he) and verb (go)
More than one verb so after first auxiliary (would)
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07 Which is the most neutral order?
Quickly, he goes on Monday to the store
He goes on Monday to the store quickly
He quickly goes on Monday to the store
He goes quickly to the store on Monday
Slide 17 - Quiz
07 - word order (adverbs)
If multiple adverbs at the end of a sentence, preferred order is manner - place - time
>> He goes quickly (manner) to the store (place) on Monday (time)
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3 - Gerund & to-inf - remember
Verbs can function as subject or object in a sentence
When they do, they take either of two forms
gerund e.g. 'playing is fun' (subject)
to-infinitive e.g. 'James loves to play' (object)
But when to use which??
In most cases, it depends on the verb (see list in grammar doc)
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8 He agreed ____ (begin) his work.
Slide 20 - Open question
9 He feared ____ (ask) her.
Slide 21 - Open question
10 He suggested ____ (buy) the piano.
Slide 22 - Open question
11 I hesitate ____ (buy) the house.
Slide 23 - Open question
12 We definitely recommend ___ (go).
Slide 24 - Open question
4 - Numbers - remember (1)
Cardinal numbers = hoofdtelwoorden, e.g. one, two, three
Ordinal numbers = rangtelwoorden, e.g. first, second, third
> watch out for (spelling of) certain ordinal numbers
8th = eighth
22nd = twenty-second
31st = thirty-first
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4 - Numbers - remember (2)
Big numbers are different in English than Dutch
1 miljard = one billion
1 biljoen = one trillion
Don't forget how to read fractions (breuken)
The cardinal number for the numerator and the ordinal number for the denominator, making the ordinal number plural if the numerator is larger than 1. Exception (!) 1/2 = one half
Slide 26 - Slide
13 één biljard is what in English?
Slide 27 - Open question
14 Write out the following number: 43rd
Slide 28 - Open question
15 Write out the following number: 80th
Slide 29 - Open question
16 Write out the following fraction: 5/6
Slide 30 - Open question
5 - recap previous semester
The test next week contains a few questions based on the basic grammar of the previous semester
See if you can still answer the following questions
Slide 31 - Slide
17 Write the first person plural past perfect continuous of to go
Slide 32 - Open question
17 Write the second person singular present perfect of to swim
Slide 33 - Open question
18 What is the plural of 'deer' (hert)
Slide 34 - Open question
19 What is the plural of 'wolf'
Slide 35 - Open question
20 Fill in the possessive pronoun That bike is ______ (van jou)