LessonUp Pitch_2024_Master_August

Say hello to students who participate
LessonUp - The only tool you'll need to prepare and teach interactive lessons 
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LessonUpHigher Education (degree)

This lesson contains 33 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

Items in this lesson

Say hello to students who participate
LessonUp - The only tool you'll need to prepare and teach interactive lessons 

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What's on the agenda:
1. About Us
2. Three Key Features of LessonUp
3. Collaborate as a team

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Belfast Met - School subscription

Northern Regional College - School Subscription

Intl. Business Development Manager
Uk Sales Manager
Alice Dossche
Beth Thompson

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It’s hard to prepare & teach lessons that engage students

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Preparing lessons is no trivial task and is time-consuming

Constantly adapting to new educational technologies can be overwhelming

Navigating multiple digital tools can disrupt the flow of lessons and learning
With LessonUp
Without LessonUp
With LessonUp teachers can keep their students engaged throughout the class
Source: University of Twente (2021)

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LessonUp makes it easy for teachers...

To create and 
teach interactive lessons

Ensure student participation

Track student progress

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LessonUp was founded in 2015 and today we have...
...lessons publicly accessible in our library
...teachers creating and teaching interactive lessons daily
...schools reducing staff workload and time spent on lesson development

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Overview of selected UK schools

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What teachers who use LessonUp say
of their students have a positive learning experience with LessonUp
Highly recommend LessonUp to their colleagues
Find that LessonUp has significant added value compared to other tools

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Improving the learning experience for students

"We’ve transformed how we engage with students and how they engage with learning material, making the educational experience more inclusive and interactive for everybody."
Kevin Chatten, Head of Computing, The Garibaldi School

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Helping kids who have lost confidence in themselves

"I've noticed that students are less intimidated to answer questions digitally. They are more willing to engage because it doesn’t feel as permanent as on paper."
Cerys Walker, Cross-Trust Digital Lead, Turner Schools

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What's on the agenda:
1. About Us
2. Three Key Features of LessonUp
3. Collaborate as a team

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Three key features of LessonUp
Prepare lessons from scratch, 
based on existing material or use AI

Teach engaging lessons with our interactive 
features and classroom management components

Track student progress with real-time feedback 
and post-lesson reports

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Prepare lessons from scratch, based on existing material or use AI
Reuse existing material...
...from our Library with 1.8M + public lessons or upload your own existing material like Ppt.
Start from scratch...
...with our Editor that looks and feels familiar to tools you already use
Generate with AI...
...and get started quickly with a lesson structure

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Prepare lessons with AI
Instruct Maia, our AI-assistant, to generate a lesson structure

Take the lesson structure as a foundation and prepare your lesson

Generate quiz questions based on instruction slides

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Start from scratch
Enrich existing material (e.g. Powerpoint)
Reuse or get inspired by lessons from the public LessonUp library
Generate with Maia - LessonUp's AI-assistant
Review post-lesson reports and monitor student progress
What are the 3 ways you can prepare a lesson in LessonUp?
Start from scratch, use pen and paper, use AI
Start from scratch, reuse existing material, use AI
Use existing material, public LessonUp library, use AI
Use AI, ask an assistant, use pen and paper

Slide 16 - Quiz

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Three key features of LessonUp
Prepare lessons from scratch, 
based on existing material or use AI

Teach engaging lessons with our interactive 
features and classroom management components

Track student progress with real-time feedback 
and post-lesson reports

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Perfect interactive feature for category-related questions

"For me, the drag-and-drop question is the true game changer! It is incredibly versatile. No matter what you are trying to assess, you can always make it work with a drag-and-drop."
Cerys Walker, Cross-Trust Digital Lead, Turner Schools

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Mind map
Open question
Photo question
Drag and drop
Interactive video
Teach engaging lessons with our interactive features

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Improving the learning experience for students

"The anonymity feature allowed students to answer honestly, giving us a clearer picture of their understanding and behaviours concerning e-safety."
Kevin Chatten, Head of Computing, The Garibaldi School

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Traffic light
Manage your classroom with our components

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How many interactive elements does LessonUp have?

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Three key features of LessonUp
Prepare lessons from scratch, 
based on existing material or use AI

Teach engaging lessons with our interactive 
features and classroom management components

Track student progress with real-time feedback 
and post-lesson reports

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Track feedback on student progress with our automated reports

Get insights on progress during the lesson

Get student-level insights after the lesson

Provide feedback to individual students

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Start from scratch
Enrich existing material (e.g. Powerpoint)
Reuse or get inspired by lessons from the public LessonUp library
Generate with Maia - LessonUp's AI-assistant
Review post-lesson reports and monitor student progress
What's on the agenda:
1. About Us
2. Three Key Features of LessonUp
3. Collaborate as a team

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Collaborate within your department or site-wide
Share lesson material with colleagues

Prepare lessons together with colleagues in real-time

Organize lesson material of the school in LessonUp

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Start from scratch
Enrich existing material (e.g. Powerpoint)
Reuse or get inspired by lessons from the public LessonUp library
Generate with Maia - LessonUp's AI-assistant
Review post-lesson reports and monitor student progress
Features of LessonUp
✔ Organise all lessons in a school portfolio
✔ Edit lessons with colleagues in real-time
✔ Develop your lesson plans and series
✔ Optional integrations
✔ Unlimited lessons
✔ Unlimited student participants
✔ Access to all interactive elements
✔ Unlimited usage of Maia, our AI assistant
✔ Access to lesson statistics and reporting
✔ Access to the LessonUp search library
✔ Share lessons as homework to students
✔ Create, save, and hand out tests
LessonUp 3-Months Free Trial
Core features (selection)
School features (selection)
Getting Started with LessonUp (Beginner)
Next steps with LessonUp (Advanced)

Two support workshops
for groups of 10 members or more
Core features

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Would you be interested to trial LessonUp for your school(s)? (0 = not very likely, 10 = let's do it!)

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Thank you!
Alice Dossche
International Business Development

Beth Thompson
Uk Sales Manager

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Our mission
Empower 1,000,000 teachers
 to teach engaging lessons

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5 reasons to choose for LessonUp
School Complete subscription pricing

School Complete Subscription Pricing 2024
Number of licences
Price per licence / month*
Price per licence / year*
£ 7.92
£ 94.99
£ 7.50
£ 89.99
£ 7.25
£ 86.99
£ 6.75
£ 80.99
£ 6.25
£ 74.99
Contact us
Contact us
*All prices are including VAT

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  • LessonUp B.V. takes the privacy of all its users (students and teachers) and visitors to its website (www.lessonup.com) and applications or mobile applications very seriously. Our general terms and conditions are applicable to all our users globally.
  • In the processing of personal data, we comply with laws and regulations relating to the processing of personal data (including the General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR).
  • Schools that make use of LessonUp (applications) are controller within the meaning of the GDPR for the processing of personal data of their students. This means that the school has and maintains control, at all times, of the personal data of students that LessonUp processes.
  • LessonUp concludes a data processing agreement with the schools and other purchasers of LessonUp services, which defines the rights and obligations applicable to the processing of personal data. This data processing agreement is based on the model data processing agreement belonging to the Covenant.
General Data Protection Regulation
  • LessonUp B.V. takes the privacy of all its users (students and teachers) and visitors to its website (www.lessonup.com) and applications or mobile applications very seriously. Our general terms and conditions are applicable to all our users globally.
  • In the processing of personal data, we comply with laws and regulations relating to the processing of personal data (including the General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR).
  • Schools that make use of LessonUp (applications) are controller within the meaning of the GDPR for the processing of personal data of their students. This means that the school has and maintains control, at all times, of the personal data of students that LessonUp processes.
  • LessonUp concludes a data processing agreement with the schools and other purchasers of LessonUp services, which defines the rights and obligations applicable to the processing of personal data. This data processing agreement is based on the model data processing agreement belonging to the Covenant.

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Integration (ROBIN)
LessonUp integrations

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