Speaking and stones afronden + grammar

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This lesson contains 15 slides, with text slides.

Items in this lesson


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Ondersteboven draaien. 
Silent letters 

  • Take a minute to complete exercise 50b and c on page 38. 
  • Then, listen to the audio fragment and correct your answers if necessary. 
silent letters

Slide 2 - Slide

A stamp
Rounding off 
  • Work in pairs; student A and student B. 
  • Choose one of the two situations. Student A describes the problem and student B reassures student A. Use Stone 8 and the theme words. 

Theme words: 


Slide 3 - Slide

A stamp

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A stamp

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A stamp

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A stamp
Prepositions of instrument

  • by = for the use of transportation. 
We travelled by bus. 
We travelled by train. 

  • with = to describe an action using a tool, machines or other devices. 
Climbing is always done with the correct gear. 
You are writing with a pencil. 

  • on = to describe an action using machines and other devices. 
I am typing on my laptop right now. 
Chris is on the drums and Mike's on the bass guitar.

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A stamp
Prepositions of connection 
  • of = to describe possession. 
The end of the day. 
The colour of the sky is blue. 

  • with = two things or two people are related or together. 
I am friends with her sister. 

  • To = when two things are physically connected to each other. 
My laptop is connected to the screen. 
The house on the mountain belongs to my grandmother.

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A stamp
Prepositions of origin 
  • From = to describe where people or things come from. 
This candy is from the United States. 
She came from Amsterdam. 

  • Made of = to describe the material something is made of. 
My bottle is made of plastic. 
A bicycle is made of steel. 

  • Made from = when you cannot recognize the material anymore. 
Your notebooks are made from wood. 

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A stamp
Prepositions of direction / movement 
  • through = door.... 
Driving through town. 

  • down = naar beneden
We're cycling down this hill. 

  • out of = uit 
She came out of nowhere. 
  • across =  tegenover /  in elke plek. 
The MC'Donalds has branches everywhere across the world. 
  • to = naar 
We're going to Arnhem. 

    • onto =  op 
    I slipped as I stepped onto the platform.

    • past = langs 
    We're cycling past the HEMA today. 

    • along = van de ene naar de andere plek. 
    We're walking along the beach. 

    • towards = dichterbij bewegen. 
    He is walking towards us. 

    • into = naar binnen gaan. 
    Let's go into this restaurant. 

    Slide 10 - Slide

    A stamp
    Prepositions of origin 
    • From = to describe where people or things come from. 
    This candy is from the United States. 
    She came from Amsterdam. 

    • Made of = to describe the material something is made of. 
    My bottle is made of plastic. 
    A bicycle is made of steel. 

    • Made from = when you cannot recognize the material anymore. 
    Your notebooks are made from wood. 

    Slide 11 - Slide

    A stamp
    Time to work on your own 

    Exercise 52, 53 and 54 starting on page 40. 

    Time: 10 minutes. 
    Voice level: first five minutes in silence. 
    Finished early? Complete the worksheet and check your answers. 

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    A stamp

    • Exercise 52a: 

    • Exercise 52d: 
    1. with 
    2. through 
    3. towards 

    Exercise 53: 
    1. by 
    2. from 
    3. through 
    4. along 
    5. with 
    6. out of 
    7. of 
    8. from 
    9. of 
    10. with 

    Slide 13 - Slide

    A stamp

    • Exercise 54: 
    1. from 
    2. with 
    3. past 
    4. in 
    5. from 
    6. from 
    7. on 
    8. on 
    9. of 
    10. towards 
    11. on 

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    A stamp
    Rounding off 

    1. She is travelling to school ___________ bike. 
    2. You're walking ________________ the classroom. 

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    A stamp