Wat ga je leren dit jaar?
The aims are to enable learners to:
• become independent and empowered to take their place in an ever changing, information-heavy, interconnected world
• develop an analytical, evaluative grasp of global issues and their causes, consequences and possible courses of action
• enquire into, and refl ect on, issues independently and in collaboration with others from different cultural perspectives
• work independently as well as part of a team, directing much of their own learning with the teacher as an active facilitator• consider important issues from personal, local and/or national and global perspectives and understand the links between these
• critically assess the information available to them and support judgements with lines of reasoning
• communicate and empathise with the needs and rights of others.
Vertaald: in een veranderende wereld waar steeds meer bruikbare en minder bruikbare informatie beschikbaar is een analyitsch vermogen ontwikelen waarmee je globale issues kan beschouwen, behandelen en mogelijke aanpakken kan onderscheiden (perspectieven)