LessonUp Training

What are you going to learn?
In this lesson you're going to learn...
About the range of activities in Lesson Up
How to create a new lesson
How to add an 
interactive slide 
to your lesson
1 / 17
Slide 1: Slide
Staff CPDUpper Secondary (Key Stage 4)GCSE

This lesson contains 17 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 1 video.

Items in this lesson

What are you going to learn?
In this lesson you're going to learn...
About the range of activities in Lesson Up
How to create a new lesson
How to add an 
interactive slide 
to your lesson

Slide 1 - Slide

How do you currently use technology in lessons?

Slide 2 - Mind map

Long time to exam
Last Minute!
How effective are different revision techniques?
What are different revision techniques?

Slide 3 - Mind map

What strategies could you use to ensure all pupils are thinking hard in a LessonUp lesson?

Slide 4 - Open question

Which platform is a good way to...
Tell parents about homework
Set an assessment or quiz
Provide practice and feedback to students
Integrate short checking for understanding into lessons
Google forms
Google Practice sets

Slide 5 - Drag question

Which bin would these pieces of rubbish need to go in?
General waste bin
Recycling Bin
Food Waste Bin

Slide 6 - Drag question

Match the labels to their parts
Cell wall
Cell membrane
Free DNA

Slide 7 - Drag question

Match the parts of a cell to their function
cell membrane
cell wall

Slide 8 - Drag question

What kind of question is this?
drag and drop
photo question

Slide 9 - Quiz


Slide 10 - Video

What is the name of LessonUp's AI Assistant?

Slide 11 - Open question

Within 4 years, the areas between the trenches completely changed. It became a no man's land. Why do you think the area was called this?
Vermin such as rats and lice were a huge annoyance for the soldiers. Some spent time in between battles chasing and killing them.
Guarding the trench was an important responsibility and there were severe penalties for falling asleep! Why do you think this was the case?
Soldiers often wrote diaries about life at war as well as letters home to their families. Many have been preserved and act as valuable sources of information.
Not only did dogs keep soldiers company, they also delivered messages and even groceries between the trenches.
360ยฐ video of trenches in WW1
While checking out the video, you can look in all directions.
Give it a try!
Soldiers took it in turns to sleep during the day as the night was a good time to spy on the enemies. 
With a periscope, soldiers were able to see the enemy without risking their lives. A periscope works with 2 lenses by reflecting images from the outside down through the pipe.
Trenches were made in zigzag lines. Why do you think they were built like this?
Tangled barbed-wire was used to prevent the enemy from approaching the trench to attack.

Slide 12 - Slide

Buckle up, class, because we're blasting off to learn about life on the International Space Station (ISS)! Imagine a massive metal spacecraft zooming around Earth at breakneck speed, completing a whole trip around our planet every hour and a half! That's the ISS, a giant science lab in space where astronauts live and work. It's kind of like a space apartment with rooms for sleeping, eating, exercising, and even conducting mind-blowing experiments!

The coolest part? There's almost no gravity up there, unlike here on Earth. That means astronauts float around like weightless superheroes! They use special velcro patches to stick themselves to the walls and have to squeeze their food out of pouches and slurp their drinks through straws. To see our beautiful planet, they peek through gigantic windows called cupolas, offering breathtaking views of Earth. Living on the ISS sounds like an out-of-this-world adventure, wouldn't you agree?
Buckle up, class, because we're blasting off to learn about life on the International Space Station (ISS)! Imagine a massive metal spacecraft zooming around Earth at breakneck speed, completing a whole trip around our planet every hour and a half! That's the ISS, a giant science lab in space where astronauts live and work. It's kind of like a space apartment with rooms for sleeping, eating, exercising, and even conducting mind-blowing experiments!

The coolest part? There's almost no gravity up there, unlike here on Earth. That means astronauts float around like weightless superheroes! They use special velcro patches to stick themselves to the walls and have to squeeze their food out of pouches and slurp their drinks through straws. 
To see our beautiful planet, they peek through gigantic windows called cupolas, offering breathtaking views of Earth. Living on the ISS sounds like an out-of-this-world adventure, wouldn't you agree?
 An invisible force that pulls everything towards the ground here on Earth. In space, gravity is much weaker, allowing things to float freely.
A scientific activity designed to test something and learn new information. Astronauts on the ISS conduct all sorts of experiments to help us understand space travel and life beyond Earth.
A special dome-shaped window on the ISS, offering astronauts a panoramic view of Earth.

Slide 13 - Slide

Over to you...

Tell us about....

Slide 14 - Slide

Upload a slide from your PowerPoint in three easy steps:
1.  Select PowerPoint.
2. Select 'Upload a file'
    and pick out the chosen file.
3. Click on your uploaded file and
    select the slides you want to use.

Slide 15 - Slide

Click                             and select one of the dark blue icons.
They indicate the interactive elements in LessonUp.
Check out the following three slides for inspiration!
+ Add
Let's create an interactive slide

Slide 16 - Slide

How did it go?

Slide 17 - Poll

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