Week 38: 2.4 Cells

2.4 Cells
  • Take off your jacket
  • Put your things on your desk
       Book, laptop, pencil case
  • Bag on the floor, phone in bag
  • Read 2.4
  • You can name parts of animal cells with their features and functions.
  • You can name parts of plant cells with their features and functions
1 / 20
Slide 1: Slide
BiologieMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 1

This lesson contains 20 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 1 video.

time-iconLesson duration is: 45 min

Items in this lesson

2.4 Cells
  • Take off your jacket
  • Put your things on your desk
       Book, laptop, pencil case
  • Bag on the floor, phone in bag
  • Read 2.4
  • You can name parts of animal cells with their features and functions.
  • You can name parts of plant cells with their features and functions

Slide 1 - Slide

You can name parts of animal cells with their features and functions.
You can name parts of plant cells with their features and functions.

Slide 2 - Slide

Slide 3 - Link

Plants have stomata. Florien compares the amount of stomata on a cactus, with the amount on a tropical plant with big leaves.
What will she probably find?
The cactus has the least stomata
The tropical plant has the least stomata
Both plants have an equal amount of stomata

Slide 4 - Quiz

Jay wants to move a plant in the garden. First he takes it out of the ground. When he looks at the roots he notices that some of them are thicker than others.
Explain, why are these roots thicker?

Slide 5 - Open question

Organisms are made from many cells.
Cells contain organelles
Organelles perform important tasks

Slide 6 - Slide

Plant versus animal cells

Slide 7 - Slide

Animal cell
Plant cell

Slide 8 - Slide

Plant cells vs animal cells

Slide 9 - Slide


Slide 10 - Slide

Control centre of the cell, contains DNA

Slide 11 - Slide

Only plant cells contain plastids:
  • Chloroplast
           Performs photosynthesis, makes plant green
  • Chromoplast
           Gives colour to fruit and flowers
  • Amyloplast
           Contains starch, found in potatoes
Plastids can change into other types of plastids

Slide 12 - Slide


Slide 13 - Slide

Explain what happens when the tomato changes from green to red.

Slide 14 - Open question

cell membrane
cell wall

Slide 15 - Drag question

Slide 16 - Video

What you should do:
  • Read 2.4
  • Do asgmt  1,-10

Done with the above?
  • Work on the next week
  • see reader
  • Study for the test 
  • Make the test yourself or practice the flashcards
Zs = Working in Silence
  • No asking questions
  • Silent, don't disturb anyone
  • Stay at your  desk

Slide 17 - Slide

What you should do:
  • Read 2.4 Cells
  • Do asgmt 1-10

Done with the above?
  • Work on the next week, see reader
  • study for the test yourself or practice flashcards
Zw = Working with whispering
  • Teacher is available for questions
  • Only whisper with the student next to you
  • Stay at your  desk

Slide 18 - Slide

Koen and Revinho look at a microscopic picture of bacteria.
Koen says: The bacteria form a tissue
Revinho says: 1 bacteria is a cell.
Which statement is/are correct?
Koen is correct
Revinho is correct
Both are correct
Both are incorrect

Slide 19 - Quiz

Tidy Duty
Today these people are on tidy duty
  • Desks: empty and straight
  • Chairs:  underneath the desks
  • Floor: no rubbish

Slide 20 - Slide