Welcome, dear students, from far and near,
Sinterklaas himself is delighted you’re here!
From Finland to Holland, you've traveled with care,
To learn, to connect, and adventures to share.
Zoetermeer will test your wit and your speed,
A scavenger hunt to meet every need.
Leiden will charm you with history and light,
And Dutch culture will shine, both day and night.
But this week is more than the places you go,
It’s about the values that help us all grow.
Respect and teamwork, kindness, and cheer,
These are the gifts Sint treasures most dear.
In this exchange, there’s much to explore,
Posters to make, stories to store.
Through laughter and learning, friendships take flight,
Building a Europe that's strong and bright.
So as we begin, let’s raise a hooray,
For this week full of memories, starting today.
Sinterklaas is watching, so let’s make it clear—
You’re the best group of students he’s seen this year!