E3.4 A2 Speakout unit 5D. The past: My weekend was ...

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EngelsMBOStudiejaar 1

This lesson contains 12 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 50 min

Items in this lesson

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First: think 25 seconds.
Then: speak 25 seconds.

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Our goal today
Learn how to use adjectives and modifiers.

Listening to people talking about last weekend.

Write about a recent activity.

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Adjectives = bijvoeglijk naamwoorden.
Modifiers = bijwoorden die de bijvoeglijk naamwoorden versterken (intensifier) of afzwakken (qualifier).

The city is crowded. (adjective)
The city is very crowded. (intensifier)
The city is a bit crowded. (qualifier)
Adjectives = bijvoeglijk naamwoorden.
Bijvoeglijk naamwoord zegt iets over een zelfstandig naamwoord.

Modifiers = bijwoorden die de een
bijvoeglijk naamwoord:
versterken (intensifier)
afzwakken (qualifier)

The city is crowded. (adjective)
The city is very crowded. (intensifier)
The city is a bit crowded. (qualifier) 
The city is crowded.

The city is very noisy.
The city is so crowded.
The city is very busy.
The city is too expensive.

John is quite angry.
John is a bit tired.

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BBC streetview
Watch the video. 
Q1: How was your weekend?
How many speakers enjoyed ALL of their weekend?
What kind of words did those people use?
Q2: What did you do?
How many speakers did something outdoors? What did they do?

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Ss watch the first part of the video, in which people answer Q1, and count how many speakers enjoyed all of their weekend.
Five: Marcello, Mark, Gusy, Katy and Gregor
In the order they first occur: good, great, nice, boring, fun.

Play the second part of the video for Ss to count how many people did something outdoors.
Three: Marcello, Gusy and Stephanie.
Work in groups of 3-4.
Try to write down in English as many weekend activities as you can.

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Write weekend activities on the board. Put Ss in small groups and give them three minutes to brainstorm as many weekend activities as they can. Monitor and offer help with vocabulary where necessary. When they have finished, elicit their ideas and build up a list on the board. Keep the ideas there for Ss to use in Ex 1B.
Worksheet 5D The past | 
My weekend was ...
Three modifiers + adjectives.

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Pearson Speakout 3rd edition

Unit 5D

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To finish
Please get ready to finish this lesson together.

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Work in pairs. Have a conversation about last weekend. 
How was your weekend?
What did you do?
Who did you go with?
When did you get home?
Talk to two other students about their weekends. Who had the most interesting weekend?

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Alternative finish:
Put Ss in pairs and ask them to plan an ideal weekend. Write the following prompts on the board: When? Where? Who with? What do? to help Ss come up with ideas as they plan. When they have finished, ask Ss to share their ideas with the class and vote for the best one.
Write an email in 80 - 100 words to a friend about a recent weekend.
How was your weekend?
What did you do?
Who did you go with?
When did you get home?

Make sure you use at least three modifiers + adjectives.

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