3M, Tag questions

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Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmboLeerjaar 3

This lesson contains 34 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 45 min

Items in this lesson


Slide 1 - Slide

This week's goals:
- I know how to make tag questions.
- I can use tag questions in a sentences.

Slide 2 - Slide

Tag questions 
Tag questions zijn de korte vragen die je regelmatig terugziet aan het einde van een zin. Je zou ze kunnen vertalen met "toch?" of "hè?".

John is best wel cool, toch?
Het is gestopt met regenen, is het niet?
Je bent niet boos, of wel?

Slide 3 - Slide

Tag questions
She is a nice girl,
isn't she?
You have done this before,
haven't you?
You aren't listening, 
are you?
I am an English teacher,
aren't I?
He can't run very fast, 
can he?
Tag questions

Slide 4 - Slide

  • Als de zin positief/bevestigend is, is de tag question negatief.
  • She is a nice girl, isn't she?
  • He can run very fast, can't he?

Slide 5 - Slide

  • Als de zin negatief/ontkennend is, is de tag question positief. 
  • He isn't very tall, is he?
  • We aren't late for class, are we?

Slide 6 - Slide

The weather is not very nice today,
is it?
isn't it?

Slide 7 - Quiz

They are a nice group of friends. ,
are they?
aren't they?

Slide 8 - Quiz

Tag questions
  • Je mag onderstaande woordjes herhalen in de tag question:
  • Vormen van "to be" (am, are, is, was, were).
  • Let op: I am happy, aren't I?
  • Hulpwerkwoorden (can, could, should, would, will, might).
  • Have / has 

Slide 9 - Slide

Tag questions
  • I should go to bed early, shouldn't I?
  • I will help you today, won't I?
  • I could live on Mars, couldn't I?
  • She has won an olympic gold medal, hasn't she?

Slide 10 - Slide

Tag questions
  • In alle andere gevallen: gebruik een vorm van "to do" in de question tag.
  • You don't like  bad weather, do you?
  • He loves school, doesn't he?
  • My dad hated dogs, didn't he?
  • Let op: staat de zin in de tegenwoordige tijd? Dan is de tag question ook in de tegenwoordige tijd. Verleden tijd = verleden tijd!!
  • Tegenwoordige tijd: do of does
  • Verleden tijd: did

Slide 11 - Slide

Tag questions
Rule 1: 
  • when the sentence is positive, the tag question is negative. 
  • When the sentence is negative, the tag question is positive. 

Rule 2:
  • With the verb to be or modal verbs like can, you have to repeat the verb in the tag question. 

Slide 12 - Slide

He can drink a glass of water in two seconds,

Slide 13 - Open question

Tag Question
Je mag onderstaande woordjes herhalen in de tag question:

* vormen van "to be" (am, are, is, was, were). 
Let op: I am happy, aren't I?
* hulpwerkwoorden (can, could, should, would, will, might).
* have / has 

In alle andere gevallen: 
gebruik een vorm van "to do" in de question tag.

t.t: do/does
v.t: did 

He loves school, doesn't he?
My dad hated dogs, didn't he?

Slide 14 - Slide

Tag questions
Rule 3:
If you use I am in a sentence, you need to use aren't I in the tag question. 

Rule 4: 
if the main question is in the present perfect, you repeat have /has in the tag question. 

Slide 15 - Slide

I am a good soccer player,

Slide 16 - Open question

She has a nice dog,
hasn't she?
has she?

Slide 17 - Quiz

The present perfect
Voor dingen die in het verleden begonnen zijn en die doorlopen in het heden:
I have lived in Nieuwkoop since 1995 (and I still live there now.) 

Voor dingen die in het verleden gebeurt zijn en waar je vandaag de gevolgen van ondervindt. 
My car has broken down, (I need to walk now). 

Slide 18 - Slide

                       Present perfect

        have / has + voltooid deelwoord

Slide 19 - Slide

Wanneer have of has?
  • Bij I, You, We, They: have
  • Alleen bij He/She/It: has
Dus ook bij My father, My sister, The dog, The building etc: alles waar je He, She of It voor in de plaats kunt zetten. 

Slide 20 - Slide

Question Tags repeat

Slide 21 - Slide


1) wat is het 1e werkwoord in de vraag.
2) mag je dit werkwoord herhalen? (to be, to have, hww)
3) Ja? dan doe je dat.
4) nee? kies do/does of did.
5) Herhaal het onderwerp van de zin (het bijpassende persoonlijk voornaamwoord)

Nick broke a window last night, ________

1) broke
2) to be, to have, hww?
3) -
4) nee => do/does of did. 
5) Nick => he
6) hoe wordt nu de tag question?

Slide 22 - Slide

Tag question
Na een bevestigende zin ( + ),
komt een ontkennende ( - ) en andersom.
You're at school, aren't you?
He can't hear me, can he?
Hi there, it's Sharon, isn't it?

Slide 23 - Slide

He isn't a strict teacher, ______________
is he?
isn't he?
he is?
doesn't he?

Slide 24 - Quiz

You have seen this film before, 
I am walking to school, 
My parents love to go on holiday, 
I told her that I loved her, 
don't they?
haven't you?
aren't I?
didn't I?

Slide 25 - Drag question

These women aren't independent, ...?

are they
aren't they
are she
aren't she

Slide 26 - Quiz

She won't be there, ____?
will she?
does she?
isn't she?
won't she?

Slide 27 - Quiz

You have never been to Paris,_____?
haven't you
do you?
didn't you?
have you?

Slide 28 - Quiz

There were a lot of people, ...?

there were?
weren't they?
were there?
weren't there?

Slide 29 - Quiz

This week's goals:
- I understand grammar 2: tag questions.
- I can use tag questions in a sentence. 

Slide 30 - Slide

Ik snap wat tag questions zijn en hoe ik die kan maken.
Ja, helemaal.
Nou, Ik snap het een beetje.
Nee, kunt u het nog een keer uitleggen?

Slide 31 - Quiz

Maak nu 
  1. In je werkboek: opdracht 27, blz. 51, opdracht 28, blz. 52
  2. In je schrift: opdracht 30, blz. 53
  3. Klaar? Ga dan terug naar LessonUp, open deze gedeelde LessonUp en maak de oefeningen achter de linkjes op de volgende dia's.

Slide 32 - Slide

Slide 33 - Link

Slide 34 - Link