Year 1 Period 3 Grammar (ps+pc, pronouns, and/or/but, big numbers)

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engMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 1

This lesson contains 52 slides, with text slides.

Items in this lesson


Slide 1 - Slide

1. Present Simple vs Present Continuous
2. Pronouns (I, me, my)
3. and, or, but
4. Big numbers

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Present Simple vs Present Continuous
I drink coffee every day, but right now I am drinking tea.

1. Wanneer gebruiken we Present Simple, wanneer Present Continuous?

2. Welke van de zinnen is in de PS en welke in de PC opgeschreven? 

3. Wat zijn de signaalwoorden van PS en PC?

Slide 3 - Slide

- things we do often and that are our hobbies (dingen dat we met regelmaat doen en zijn onze hobby's)
- things that are always true -facts (feiten)
- things we like or dislike (dingen dat we leuk of juist niet leuk vinden)

I play tennis 3 times a week.
The Sun rises on the East and sets on the West.
Sacha likes tea but doesn't like coffee. 

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Present Continuous
- When we want to say what is happening RIGHT NOW 

Signal words: now, right now, at the moment, as we speak
AND if you are describing a photo!!
I am drinking coffee right now.
Tijn is writing in his notebook at the moment.
Loes and Roos are daydreaming about lunch.

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Bevestigende zin: SHIT rule bij SHE, HE, IT (s erbij)
- She eats meat every day.
- Things that happen every day, are facts, hobbies...
am/is/are + verb-ing
(drinking, swimming...)
- She is eating meat at the moment.
- if something is happening right now
- to describe a picture, video
- something that happens suddenly (op eens!)
- something that is happening for a longer period of time (langer aan de gang)
- The hamster is running and then suddenly falls off the wheel.

Slide 6 - Slide

Present Simple or Present Continuous?
Andy goes to Van Maerlant Lyceum. He  _______________ (1. like) reading comics and he never ______________ (2. watch) TV. Right now he ___________________ (3. play) computer games. Meanwhile, Sandy  _______________________(4. sing) in the bathroom and ___________ (5. take) a shower. Their father ____________________ (6. make) breakfast now, but usually their mom ________________ (7. do) that. She ____________ (8. go) to work very early every morning. 'Look'! It _______________ (9. rain) outside.' says Andy. Their father _____________(10. tell) them to take their umbrella with them to not get wet. They _______________ (11. take) the bus at 8 a.m. every morning. 

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AND/OR/BUT - words that connect 2 sentences
en, of, maar
I need coffee AND orange juice.
Should we go to Eersel OR Steensel for coffee?
I want to meet you after school BUT I have soccer practice.

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I, you, they, we, he, she, it...
me, you, him, her, them
my, your, her, his, their

Slide 9 - Slide


1e rijtje: onderwerp

2de rijtje: 
voorwerp, na het ww!

3de rijtje: bezit
1e rijtje
2de rijtje (aan wie iets gebeurt -voorwerp)
3de rijtje
(van wie? bezit)

Slide 10 - Slide


1,245,950 -one million two hundred forty-five thousand nine hundred and fifty
67,851,020 - sixty-seven million eight hundred fifty-one thousand and twenty
900,123,546 - nine hundred million one hundred twenty-three thousand five hundred and forty-six
4,783,909,030 - four billion seven hundred eighty-three million nine hundred nine thousand and thirty

Check pg. 103
Then write:

Slide 11 - Slide

2. Pronouns 
(woorden die verwijzen naar mensen, dingen, dieren)
Sarah called Mary.
  • She called her.
  • John and Jason cannot take care of the plant.
  • They cannot take care of it.
    James and I took the book that belongs to Loes and Luuk
  • We took their book.

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Exercise: Is het een onderwerp of een voorwerp??
1. _________ lives in Liverpool. (he)
2. I met _________ in the office. (he)
3. They sing with _____ in the choir. (I)
4. Excuse _____, is this the way to the station? (I)
5. _____ worked in the garden. (we)
6. Where are the cupcakes? Did you eat ______ ? (they)
7. _____  saw Jack in the office. (we)

-> Onderwerp (WIE?)
-> voorwerp (WAT?)
Hier is I (ik) onderwerp
-> voorwerp (WAT?)
(Hier zeg je woordje 'YOU' niet 
-> YOU excuse me (YOU - onderwerp, ME -> voorwerp)
WE-> onderwerp
cupcakes -> meervoud (plural) -> voorwerp

What is 'voorwerp' here?

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Bezittelijke voornaamwoorden
- het woord geeft een bezit aan

Het moet altijd een zelfstandignaamwoord achter staan!

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Bezittelijke voornaamwoorden
This book belongs to me. -> This is MY book.
This house belongs to you-> This is YOUR house?
This is John's dog. -> This is HIS dog. 
This is Mary's problem -> This is HER problem.
This is my dog's food. -> This is ITS food. 
This school belongs to us. -> This is OUR school. 
These are students' desks. -> These are THEIR desks.

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 WIRED exercises
Exercise 1, 2, 3

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WIRED assignments

Slide 17 - Slide

- listening and reading assignments
- adjust the presentation script (if needed)
- learn the words through Quizlet
- Blooket 
WEEKEND HW: Study the words and grammar Period 3

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Monday Year 1
- Check your grammar notes (again). Is everything clear?
- Do exercises on WIRED -> Leerblad
- Do the TEAMS assignment - compare with your schoolmate
- Check your TEAMS assignment

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Monday 1MH2
- Check your grammar notes
- What grammar do we have to know for the test?
- What can we expect on the test?
- Practice big numbers
- Practice words

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13 -
190 -
23.034 -
678.902 -
1.245.950 -
67.851.020 -
900.123.546 -
4.783.909.030 -

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1. Present Simple vs Present Continuous
2. Pronouns (I, me, my)
3. and, or, but
4. Big numbers

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Present simple + Present Continuous

- I eat bread every day. She drinks coffee every morning.
- I am drinking tea right now. You aren't drinking tea at the moment.
feiten, hobbies, regelmaat
nu aan de gang

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Bevestigende zin: SHIT rule bij SHE, HE, IT (s erbij)
- She eats meat every day.
- Things that happen every day, are facts, hobbies...
am/is/are + verb-ing
(drinking, swimming...)
- She is eating meat at the moment.
- if something is happening right now
- to describe a picture, video
- something that happens suddenly (op eens!)
- something that is happening for a longer period of time (langer aan de gang)
- The hamster is flipping and then suddenly falls off the wheel.

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Present Simple RULES.
1. I eat vegetables every day.
2. She eats vegetables every day.
3. Do they eat vegetables every day?
4. Tanya doesn't eat vegetables every day.

What are the rules again? Make notes!
Use words such as: bevestigende zin (affirmative sentence), ontkennende zin (negative sentence), vragende zin (Questions) en SHIT rule.

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Present Continuous RULES
1. Look! I am walking the dog right now.
2. John and Mary aren't speaking at the moment.
3. Are you having an English lesson right now?
4. Mary isn't watching a movie.
What are the rules of Present Continuous?

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Present Simple, Present Continuous

- She often travels. But I don't travel a lot. Do you want to travel more?
- The students are studying the words right now while they're playing blooket.
Are they having fun?

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I, you, they, we, he, she, it...
me, you, him, her, them
my, your, her, his, their

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1e rijtje: onderwerp

2de rijtje: 
voorwerp, na het ww!

3de rijtje: bezit
1e rijtje
2de rijtje (aan wie iets gebeurt -voorwerp)
3de rijtje
(van wie? bezit)

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2. Pronouns 
(woorden die verwijzen naar mensen, dingen, dieren)
Sarah called Mary.
  • She called her.
  • John and Jason cannot take care of the plant.
  • They cannot take care of it.
    James and I took the book that belongs to Loes and Luuk
  • We took their book.

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Exercise: Is het een onderwerp of een voorwerp??
1. _________ lives in Liverpool. (he)
2. I met _________ in the office. (he)
3. They sing with _____ in the choir. (I)
4. Excuse _____, is this the way to the station? (I)
5. _____ worked in the garden. (we)
6. Where are the cupcakes? Did you eat ______ ? (they)
7. _____  saw Jack in the office. (we)

-> Onderwerp (WIE?)
-> voorwerp (WAT?)
Hier is I (ik) onderwerp
-> voorwerp (WAT?)
(Hier zeg je woordje 'YOU' niet 
-> YOU excuse me (YOU - onderwerp, ME -> voorwerp)
WE-> onderwerp
cupcakes -> meervoud (plural) -> voorwerp

What is 'voorwerp' here?

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Bezittelijke voornaamwoorden
- het woord geeft een bezit aan

Het moet altijd een zelfstandignaamwoord achter staan!

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Bezittelijke voornaamwoorden
This book belongs to me. -> This is MY book.
This house belongs to you-> This is YOUR house?
This is John's dog. -> This is HIS dog. 
This is Mary's problem -> This is HER problem.
This is my dog's food. -> This is ITS food. 
This school belongs to us. -> This is OUR school. 
These are students' desks. -> These are THEIR desks.

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en, of, maar

I need coffee AND orange juice.
Should we go to Eersel OR Steensel for coffee?
I want to meet you after school BUT I have soccer practice.

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Big numbers
- Practice BINGO

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START: exercises WIRED

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- Open your reading book
- Start reading
- Write down in your notebook all the verbs you've found in Present Simple and Present Continuous
- all the pronouns

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Present Simple
- things we do often and that are our hobbies (dingen dat we met regelmaat doen en zijn onze hobby's)
- things that are always true -facts (feiten)
- things we like or dislike (dingen dat we leuk of juist niet leuk vinden)

I play tennis 3 times a week.
The Sun rises on the East and sets on the West.
Sacha likes tea but doesn't like coffee. 

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1. Bij SHE/HE/IT zetten we -s op het eind van het werkwoord (SHIT RULE!)
She plays piano every day.
Marcel drinks coffee every morning.
My dog always eats at 8 p.m.

2. Bij I, WE, THEY, YOU blijft het werkwoord gewoon hoe het is
They play piano every day.
Marcel and John drink coffee every morning.
My dogs always eat at 8 p.m.

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1. Bij SHE/HE/IT moet je doesn't voor het werkwoord zetten 
en het is geen s meer achter het werkwoord
She doesn't live in this house.
John doesn't love me.

2. Bij I, WE, THEY, YOU moet je don't voor het werkwoord zetten
en het is geen s achter het werkwoord
They don't live in this house.
John and Jane don't love coffee.

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1. bij SHE/HE/IT moet je DOES in het begin van de zin zetten
en het werkwoord heeft geen s meer!
Does she live in this house?
Does John love me?

2. Bij I, WE, THEY, YOU moet je DO in het begin van de zin zetten
en het werkwoord heeft geen s
Do they live in this house?
Do John and Jane love coffee?

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Present Simple
1. Lucy ________ (like) tea but she __________ (love) coffee.
2. I _________(not drink) tea.
3. _______ they _______ (love) rock music?
4. She _____________ (not drive) a car.
5. The dog ___________ (not eat) vegetables.
6. ________ John ________(fly) to London every week?
7. They ________ (walk) very fast.
do not/don't drink
Do they love...?
does not/doesn't drive
does not/doesn't eat
does John fly...?

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Present Continuous
am/is/are VERB+ing

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Present Continuous
- When we want to say what is happening RIGHT NOW 

Signal words: now, right now, at the moment, as we speak
AND if you are describing a photo!!
I am drinking coffee right now.
Tijn is writing in his notebook at the moment.
Loes and Roos are daydreaming about lunch.

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Verb to be:
I -> am writing
he/she/it -> is writing
they/we/you -> are writing

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Ontkennende zin Present Continuous

I am not speaking English. 
Floor is not/isn't writing in her notebook.
You are not/aren't listening to the teacher.

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Vragende zin Present Continuous

Am I speaking English right now?
Is Floor writing in her notebook?
Are you listening to the teacher?

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PAS OP: Werkwoord + ING spelling!
1. Short words that end on a medeklinker -> krijgen een extra letter
get -> getting, sit -> sitting
skip ->
grab ->

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1. Finish Exercises on WIRED
2. Finish reading and listening exercises on WIRED
3. Do extra assignments on LessonUP (links)
4. Study the words. 
Look at the wordlist - Choose 15 words and create a story using those 15 new words from the list. Make sure your story is written in Present Simple and Present Continuous.
5. DONE? Find a short funny or interesting video on YouTube. Show it to me. You might be able to use it for your task.

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Watch the video
Write 5 sentences what happens in the video in your notebook
(Use Present Simple and Present Continuous)

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