ILM Induction

Level 5 Award In
Leadership and Management

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LeadershipHigher Education (non-degree)

This lesson contains 13 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 60 min

Items in this lesson

Level 5 Award In
Leadership and Management

Slide 1 - Slide


  • What is ILM
  • Why Choose ILM?
  • Assignments
  • Tutorials
  • Tips for Using MS Word

Slide 2 - Slide


  • What is ILM
  • Why Choose ILM?
  • Assignments
  • Tutorials
  • Tips for Using MS Word

Slide 3 - Slide

The Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM) is a leading UK-based organisation specialising in leadership, management, and coaching qualifications. Part of the City & Guilds Group, ILM is globally recognised and provides practical, work-based learning to help individuals and organisations improve leadership capabilities and management effectiveness.
What is ILM?

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This qualification is ideal if you are have management responsibilities but no formal training, and are serious about developing your abilities. It’s particularly suited to practising team leaders seeking to move up to the next level of management, and managers who need to lead people through organisational change, budget cuts or other pressures.
Why Choose ILM Level 3 Leadership and Management?

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  • Gain a range of key management skills
  • Put new skills into practice in your own role
  • Build your leadership capabilities
  • Motivate and engage teams, manage relationships confidently
  • Develop your leadership skills using your own knowledge, values and motivations.

The Results

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For a full list of the benefits of being a Belfast MET students please visit:

Benefits of being a Belfast MET student?

Slide 7 - Slide

Induction &
Topic 1: Leadership Styles - 6/2/25

Topic 2: Emotional Intelligence - 13/2/25

Topic 3: Making Professional Presentations- 20/2/25

Presentation Delivery & Evaluation 6/3/25

Hand-in Assignment 1 – Presentation 13/2/25
Topic 4: Setting & Communicating Direction
Topic 5: Motivation Part 1
 - 13/3/25

Topic 5: Motivation Part 2 - 20/3/25

Topic 6: Delegation, Empowerment, PDP - 27/3/25

Assignment Support Workshop - 3/4/25

Hand-in Assignment 2 – Becoming an Effective Leader - 10/4/25

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There will be 2 assignments, one written (between 2500 and 3500 words in length) and a presentation to be completed in the workplace with peer review..

We will go into a lot of detail about each assignment during the presentations for that subject.


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I will hold an open session to take questions about the assignment and offer guidance.

This is your opportunity to get help with any area's you are struggling with in the assignments.

Assignment Support Workshop

Slide 10 - Slide

Some Tips for Writing

Slide 11 - Slide

Some Tips for Writing

Slide 12 - Slide


Slide 13 - Slide