May 30 past simple: was/were & had

  • Gelijk zitten op je plek (plattegrond)
  • Boek b, schrift & pen nodig.
  • Terugblik opdracht maken: 5 minuten
  • Seintje: "Let's start"  is iedereen stil

We have a positive attitude to learn!

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EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo gLeerjaar 1

This lesson contains 14 slides, with text slides.

Items in this lesson

  • Gelijk zitten op je plek (plattegrond)
  • Boek b, schrift & pen nodig.
  • Terugblik opdracht maken: 5 minuten
  • Seintje: "Let's start"  is iedereen stil

We have a positive attitude to learn!


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Learning goals
By the end of this class:
  • I can use was, were and had to write about the past.
Today's plan
  1. Review previous class (5 min)
  2. Past tense: was/were & had (10 min)
  3. Past tense practice (20 min)
  4. Vocabulary practice (10 min)
  5. End of class (5 min)

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Recap: comparative & superlative
Regel:                         Toevoegen:             comparative    superlative:
1 lettergreep                 -er            -est         colder                coldest
2 lettergrepen -y         -ier           -iest         happier             happiest
2 + lettergrepen           -more     -most        more         most amazing

....en leer de uitzonderingen (onregelmatige woorden) blz. 124!

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- Een lettergreep is een klankgroep. Elk woord bestaat uit één of meerdere lettergrepen
Comparatives & superlatives
  • 1. tidier
  • 2. bigger
  • 3. better
  • 4. less
  • 5. the most difficult
  • 6. worse
  • as intelligent
  • 8. the best
  • 9. the hottest
  • 10. the most talkative

  • more ..... (than)           (the) most .....

  • funnier (than)             (the) funniest

  • bigger (than)               (the) biggest

  • more perfect (than)   (the) most perfect

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Past simple: To be 
Wat betekent "to be" in NL?
  • zijn: Ik ben, jij bent, hij is etc. dus: I am, He/she/it is, they/we are
Verleden tijd (past tense) van "to be":
  • was & were

  • I was at the cinema yesterday.    
  • They were late for football practice last week.

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blz. 138
Past simple: To have
Wat betekent " to have" in NL?
  • hebben: Ik heb, hij heeft etc. dus: I have, He/she/it has, they/we have
Verleden tijd (past tense) van "to have":
  • had
  • I had a dog when I was young.   
  • We had a sandwich for lunch.

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Ontkenningen (negatieve zinnen)
Voeg not/-n't na was en were om een ontkenning in de verleden te maken:
1. I wasn't (was not) at school yesterday.  They weren't (were not) at home yesterday.

- Let op! 
Voeg didn't of did not voor have om een ontekenning in de verleden te maken:
2. We had a party last weekend.
3. We didn't/did not have a party last weekend.

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Get it?

1. When I _____ younger, I ____ a lot of hobbies.
2. The car we saw _____ a very unusual colour.
3. Our last holiday _______ a lot of fun.
4. We ______ at the beach yesterday.
5. She ______ at work this morning. (not)
6. They _____ at home when I called. (not)
7. They ______ breakfast this morning. (not)

  1. was / had
  2. had
  3. was
  4. were
  5. wasn't/was not
  6. weren't/were not
  7. didn't/did not have

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What: chapter 6 I exercise 53c, 54 a&b, 55a,b&c en 57  page 138
How: individual answers (eigen antwoorden)
         compare & discuss answers (librarytone)
Help: Grammar 17A &B pg. 138 en/of docent
Time: 20 minutes
Results: Laat het zien en nakijken met nakijkblad
Finish?: do opg 54c & 55d

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Chapter 6 practice

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Chapter 6: vocabulary theme words practice
Sports & competition:
1. injury                 
2. match              
3. player      
4. (to) beat  
5. champion  
  1. blessure
  2. wedstrijd 
  3. speler
  4. verslaan
  5. kampioen
Body parts:
1. wrist
2. chest
3. shoulder'
4. ankle
  1. pols
  2. borstkas
  3. productie
  4. enkel

Sports & activities:
1. diving
2. gymnastics
3. hiking
  1. duiken
  2. turnen
  3. wandelen
1. proud
2. relaxed
3. confident
4. honest
  1. trots
  2. ontspannen
  3. zelfverzekerd
  4. eerlijk
Translate to Dutch:

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  • 4 x Teams. 3x teams van 5, 1x team van 4
  • Er zijn verschillende categorieën en punten.
  • Je team kiest een categorie en punten.
  • Teams kiezen om de beurt.
  • Correct antwoord levert punten op.  (20 seconds)
  • Team met het de meeste punten wint.

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The end of class
  • Class recap (herhaling)
  • What did you learn today? (learning goals)
- past simple: to be & to have
1. The girl ____ at a birthday party yesterday.  
2. I ____ a headache yesterday.
3. Turn the above sentences into negative sentences.
  • Class evaluation: (listening to teacher, following instructions) 
  • Volgende lessen herhaling grammatica & vocab. en oefenen!



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May 30 past simple: was/were & had

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