CAE report Cam5

Cambridge Today 
A new writing format! 
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CambridgeWOStudiejaar 4

This lesson contains 14 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

Items in this lesson

Cambridge Today 
A new writing format! 

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Today's goals. What do you think? 
Make three learning goals by use of the following key words. 

purpose - CAE writing - Report - content - structure 

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Today's learning goals...

Slide 3 - Open question

The checklist 
You understand the purpose of a report. 
You know the structure of a report. 
You know how to create the content of a report.  

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A  report? 

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CAE Cambridge says... 
 A report in C1 Advanced (CAE) is usually written for superior. For example a manager, director or for peer group that could be other students or members of a club that you are a member of as well. In a report, you always have to describe and evaluate a situation and usually suggest some cause of action that you would recommend.

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You are going to present.. 
Factual information
You need to present them as if they were factual.
Effective and efficient text organization
The right paragraph structure, relevant headings as well as different linking words and expressions that we can use to connect our ideas.
Making suggestions/recommendations
Every report has a suggestion or recommendation at the end of it because that’s the sole purpose of writing a report.

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Create the outline 
Take a look at the report sample. Create a template for a CAE report and write down any tips & tricks (like sample sentences!) that will help you. 

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What do you remember? What are characteristics of a report? You can use last year's notes.

Slide 9 - Open question

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Last week, you attended the PWS markt. What are your thoughts? Was it organized well, and was it inspiring?

Slide 11 - Open question

Your deans have asked you to write a report on the PWS markt, organized at Het Nieuwe Lyceum. In your report, explain what you considered the advantages of including V5 students. The deans are also interested whether you gained anything from this afternoon and in any recommendations for the future. 

220-260 words. 

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Report: Exercise 
You have just completed a Cambridge course at Het Nieuwe Lyceum. You were trained for the CAE exam that you passed successfully. You had three classes a week, of which one class was spent on a project. Your teacher has asked you to write a report about your experience. In your report, you should evaluate the course, explain which part of the programme was more useful, and suggest changes you would recommend for next year’s course. 

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Feedback preparation
With all the information you have received over the past few weeks, go over your texts one more time. Improve the texts. 

Next CAE-class: bring an anonymized version of the work you feel most insecure about. So, the text without a name. 

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