Exam Facet CE B1. Linking words / Conjunctions.

Linking words / conjunctions.
1 / 21
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EngelsMBOStudiejaar 2

This lesson contains 21 slide, with text slide and 1 video.

time-iconLesson duration is: 50 min

Items in this lesson

Linking words / conjunctions.

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Why use a conjunction?
  • om twee dingen aan elkaar te verbinden
  • kunnen woorden, zinsdelen of zinnen zijn
  • je geeft aan wat de relatie is tussen beide delen (opsomming, reden, tegenstelling,.....) 
Why use a 
linking word / conjunction?

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Picture = spaghetti junction Birmingham.
Why use a conjunction?
              ... ... ...               

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Make a sentence using one of the conjunctions.

The cat was sleeping, while the dog was barking.
Our goal today
Learn common English 
linking words /  
conjunctions (voegwoorden)
Learn why we use them.

Teams task E5.3

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Write down examples
of an English conjunction (voegwoord).

Denk aan: 
opsomming - keuze - oorzaak - gevolg - tegenstelling - 
tijd - voorwaarde.


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English conjunction (voegwoord).
opsomming - keuze - oorzaak - gevolg - tegenstelling - 
tijd - voorwaarde

In the next slides you will see 20 sample sentences with English conjunctions. How many of them are on your list?

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There's an <enter> between level A2 and level B1 conjunctions.
He likes playing football and (en) tennis.

He likes playing both football and (zowel ... als) tennis.

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Do you want peanut butter or (of) jelly on your sandwich?

Would you either like the peanut butter or (of ... of) the jelly? 

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I like to eat chocolate because (omdat) it tastes good.
As (omdat) you haven't eaten yet, let's have dinner now.
I'm going to eat a snack, for (want) I'm hungry.

I'll wear a raincoat, since (aangezien) it looks like it's going to rain.

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He kissed another girl so (dus) I broke up with him.

 Provide detailed information so that (zodat) we can replicate the problem.

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I don't give money to people but (maar) I will for you.
He still failed though / although (hoewel / alhoewel) he studied hard.
 I'll take the medicine, though / even though (ondanks dat) I hate the taste.
 They have a lot of money, however (echter), they still live in a tiny house.

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You are grounded until (tot, todat) you start behaving!
I'm eating that cake as soon as (zodra) they're out the door.

As / whilst (terwijl) I was leaving, the phone rang.
She was serious when (wanneer) she asked him to marry her.

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I will call my mum if (als) I need help with anything.

Sheryl will go out unless (tenzij) her mum stops her.

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English conjunction (voegwoord).

You saw 20 sample sentences with English conjunctions
How many of the given conjunctions are on your list?

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Remember: it's not only a good idea to know the meaning of these conjunctions for reading and listening.

It's also important to be able to use them for speaking and writing English.
Story without conjunctions.
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Why use conjunctions?

This is an example of a text without conjunctions. You need 7 sentences to give the information. 
Same story with conjunctions.
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We use both first and third-party cookies to personalise web content. Even though cookies can be annoying, they are useful to analyse visits to our websites and tailor advertisments. Some of these cookies are necessary for the website to function, whilst others require your consent. 

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RED = 7 sentences.
GREEN = 3 sentences.

Students in the Economic department have to be able to write an email using sentences with conjunctions!

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YouTube [3.00]

Zelfde informatie maar dan in een filmpje.

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In short ... conjunctions are words that link other words, phrases, or clauses together.
To finish
Please get ready to finish this lesson together.

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Let's exercise!
Work in groups of 5-6 students. 
Each group will try to make the longest sentence using conjunctions.
No inappropriate language please!

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