This lesson contains 20 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.
Lesson duration is: 60 min
Items in this lesson
Welcome back!
How was your holiday?
Did you work or did you relax?
How is it going at your traineeship?
Slide 1 - Slide
Imagine this:
A woman walks up to you at your internship and asks the following questions: - Excuse me, can I ask you something? - Do you speak German? - Do you understand English? - I have an appointment with Silvia, do you know where she is? What do you say?
Slide 2 - Slide
Recap grammar: asking questions
1. Questions with "to be" (am, is, are)
2. Questions with can, could, have got, will, .................................shall, should, would, must 3. Questions with do
Slide 3 - Slide
Spot the mistakes: R: Hey R: No, I don't think so, I'm Rodanthi, What your name is? R: No, I'm from Manchester. R: We should hang out sometime! R: Sure, 0657-423395, call me!
S: Hi! Know I you? S: My name is Senguun. Live you in the city? S: Really? So am I! S: Yeah totally! Do I can have your number? S: I will, we'll be in touch! Have a good evening!
Slide 4 - Slide
Spot the mistakes: R: Hey R: No, I don't think so, I'm Rodanthi, What your name is? R: No, I'm from Manchester. R: We should hang out sometime! R: Sure, 0657-423395, call me!
S: Hi! Know I you? S: My name is Senguun. Live you in the city? S: Really? So am I! S: Yeah totally! Do I can have your number? S: I will, we'll be in touch! Have a good evening!
Slide 5 - Slide
Spot the mistakes: R: Hey R: No, I don't think so, I'm Rodanthi, what is your name? R: No, I'm from Manchester. R: We should hang out sometime! R: Sure, 0657-423395, call me!
Exercise 6 (p. 12) S: Hi! Do I know you? S: My name is Senguun. Do you live in the city? S: Really? So am I! S: Yeah totally! Can I have your number? S: I will, we'll be in touch! Have a good evening!
Slide 6 - Slide
Questions with "to be" "To be" ( am/is/are) komt vooraan te staan in de zin.
She is available. Is she available?
They are coming. Are they coming?
Positief: ww achteraan de zin.
Negatief: Not er achter.
Yes, she is.
No, she is not.
Yes, they are. No, they are not.
Slide 7 - Slide
Questions with can, can, could, have got, will, shall, should, would, must komt ook vooraan
He shall call you this evening. Shall he call you this evening?
Ican give you his number. Can you give me his number?
Positief: ww achteraan de zin.
Negatief: Not er achter.
Yes, he shall.
No, he shall not.
Yes, I can. No, I'm afraid I cannot (Can't)
Slide 8 - Slide
Questions met andere ww Zet do/does vooraan in de zin
He speaks English very well. Doeshe speak English very well?
I write clear notes. Do I write clear notes?
Pos: Does voor het ww.
Neg: Not (word n't) er achter.
Yes, he does speakEnglish.
No, he doesn'tspeak English
Yes, I do writeclear notes. No, I don't write clear notes.
Slide 9 - Slide
What is the correct question:
Are you listening?
You are listening?
Do you are listening?
Is you listening?
Slide 10 - Quiz
What is the correct answer: "Are they listening?"
They not listening.
They are listening not.
They aren't listening
They are not listening
Slide 11 - Quiz
What is the correct question:
Does he wil help you?
He will help you?
Do he will help you
Will he help you?
Slide 12 - Quiz
What is the correct answer: "Will he help you?"
He won't help you.
He will not help you.
He not help you.
He will help you not.
Slide 13 - Quiz
What is the correct question:
Do she work hard?
Does she work hard?
Work she hard?
Does she works hard?
Slide 14 - Quiz
What is the correct answer: "Does she work hard?"
She doesn't work hard.
She not work hard.
She do not work hard.
She does not works hard.
Slide 15 - Quiz
Slide 16 - Slide
Slide 17 - Slide
To do:
- Make ex. 1, 2, 3, 6 (p 14-15) - Practice the conversation with a classmate. (1, 2 and 6!)
- I'll pick a few couples to give an example. - Done? Practice the exam ex. p 12 with a classmate.
Slide 18 - Slide
Als er iemand op mijn stage komt durf ik vragen te stellen en te beantwoorden.