The Role of Technology in Physical Activity and Sport 1

The Role of Technology in Physical Activity and Sport
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This lesson contains 33 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

Items in this lesson

The Role of Technology in Physical Activity and Sport

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Use of technology in data collection
Covering the use of sports analytics for data collection.

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What do you already know about the role of technology in physical activity and sport?

Slide 3 - Mind map

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Quantitative and qualitative research
Understanding key terms such as quantitative and qualitative data.

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Objective and subjective data
Explaining the difference between objective and subjective data.

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Validity and reliability of data
Discussing the importance of validity and reliability of data in sports analytics.

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Video and analysis programs
Exploring the use of video analysis programs in sports.

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Testing and recording equipment
Describing testing and recording equipment such as the metabolic cart for indirect calorimetry.

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GPS and motion-tracking software and hardware
Understanding how GPS and motion-tracking are used in physical activity and sport.

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Maintaining data integrity when using technology
Explaining the importance of maintaining data integrity.

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Functions of sports analytics
Understanding the various functions of sports analytics.

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Development of equipment and facilities
Exploring the impact of technology on the development of sports equipment and facilities.

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Positive and negative impacts of technology in sport
Discussing the overall impact of technology on sports participants, including performers, coaches, and audiences.

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Ensuring Data Integrity in Sports Analytics
Data integrity is crucial for accurate sports analytics, ensuring data is recorded and retrieved exactly as intended. It can be maintained through regular backups, access control, error detection software, and careful data entry.

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The Role of Smart Wearable Devices in Performance Monitoring
Smart wearable devices like Adidas MiCoach provide real-time feedback on performance metrics, aiding in performance monitoring.

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Analytics in Skill and Technique Development
Analytics software such as Dartfish helps in skill and technique development by providing visual feedback and detailed performance analysis.

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Analytics in Skill and Technique Development
Analytics software such as Dartfish helps in skill and technique development by providing visual feedback and detailed performance analysis.

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Game Analysis Through Sports Analytics
In game analysis, technologies like GPS receivers track player metrics, aiding in coaching strategies and player development.

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Technology in Talent Identification and Scouting
Talent identification uses analytics to evaluate potential athletes' suitability for elite sports through technical, physiological, and psychological benchmarks.

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Adapted Equipment and Facility Development for Accessibility
Adapted equipment and multi-use facilities improve accessibility for the elderly and individuals with disabilities, while technological advancements like 3G surfaces enhance sports participation.

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The Positive and Negative Impacts of Technology in Sports
However, technology can have negative impacts, such as potential injuries, cost-related inequalities, and over-reliance on data.

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The financial implications of technology in sports and its impact on equality
Technological advancements can create disparities due to high costs, as seen with Team Sky's cycling success linked to substantial investment and sponsorship.

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The role of coaches in utilizing technology for performance analysis
Coaches benefit from technology like video analysis tools, which can enhance training but also pose risks such as data hacking.

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The effects of technology on the audience and spectator experience
Technology enriches the viewing experience through better access to information and officiating aids like Hawkeye, although it can disrupt the flow of the game and may reduce respect for officials.

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The influence of broadcasting technology on sports viewership
Broadcasting technology has transformed viewership with high-definition images, choice of camera angles, and expert analysis, yet it may not replicate the live atmosphere and fan interaction.

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The comprehensive impact of technology on various aspects of sport including performance, officiating, and fan engagement
Technology in sports serves to collect data to improve performance, ensure accurate officiating, and provide a more engaging spectator experience, while also presenting challenges such as cost and potential over-reliance.

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Definition List
Data Integrity: The accuracy and consistency of data over its lifecycle. 
Smart Wearable Fitness/Sports Device: A device worn by athletes to provide instant performance feedback. 
Sports Analytics: The use of data and analysis to evaluate player performances, game strategies, and potential talent. 
Dartfish: A video analysis program used in sports to enhance skill and technique development. 
Electrostimulation: A technique used to aid muscle recovery and strength training. 
3G surfaces: Third-generation artificial grass pitches with characteristics similar to natural grass. 

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Definition List
 Compression Clothing: Garments designed to improve circulation and muscle recovery. 

Game Golf: A wearable GPS device providing in-depth analysis for golfers. 

MUGAS (Multi-Use Games Areas): Facilities designed for multiple sports to increase participation. 

Talent ID: The process of identifying potential athletes for elite sports through systematic evaluation.

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Definition List
Sponsorship: Financial support provided by a sponsor to fund a team or individual in sports. Sports Analytics: The use of data and analysis to evaluate and improve player performance and strategies. 
Video Analysis: A technique used to analyze movements and tactics in sports through recorded footage. 
GPS: Global Positioning System technology used to track and analyze movement and performance in sports. 
Metabolic Cart: A device used to measure an individual's metabolic rate through respiratory gas analysis. 

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Definition List
Calorimetry: The process of measuring the amount of heat released or absorbed during a physical change or chemical reaction, often used to determine energy expenditure in sports. 

Hawkeye: A computer system used in various sports to visually track the trajectory of the ball and display a record of its statistically most likely path as a moving image.

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Write down 3 things you learned in this lesson.

Slide 31 - Open question

Have students enter three things they learned in this lesson. With this they can indicate their own learning efficiency of this lesson.
Write down 2 things you want to know more about.

Slide 32 - Open question

Here, students enter two things they would like to know more about. This not only increases involvement, but also gives them more ownership.
Ask 1 question about something you haven't quite understood yet.

Slide 33 - Open question

The students indicate here (in question form) with which part of the material they still have difficulty. For the teacher, this not only provides insight into the extent to which the students understand/master the material, but also a good starting point for the next lesson.