Lesson 1,

1 / 33
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMBOStudiejaar 2

This lesson contains 33 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 2 videos.

Items in this lesson

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Reminder: we only speak English during this lesson

Slide 2 - Slide

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General school rules
· Be on time at the start of the lesson.

· Show respect for your fellow students, the staff of the school, the building and environment.
· Help each other out.
· Use clear communication (say 'behind'), speak English!
· Mobile phones are not visible and are on silent mode during lessons.
· Together we make sure that our school is safe and clean.
· We only eat and drink in the designated areas in school. - In class you can only drink water
· In school/class our faces are recognizable so this means no wearing of caps, hats and helmets in the school.
· Only with permission of the person(s) involved we take pictures or film each other.

Slide 3 - Slide

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We are going to do a short warm-up exercise together. 
You need a pen(cil) for this one

Introduction exercise HO

Slide 4 - Slide

You will all receive a card with quesions. You will ask your neighbour to answer the quesions. Once you are done I am going to collect the cards. I will read out a few answers and you need to guess whose card it was.
Today's programme
- introduction
- what are we going to do this period/year?
- video exercise
- reading exercise
- working online

Learning objective: you know which English exams on which level you are going to take this year.
You can watch a video on B2 level and answer questions about it.

Slide 5 - Slide

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What do you need this period for English?
- your laptop to work online/ in Lessonup

- notebook for notes during class

- pen/pencil

- enthusiasm 

Slide 6 - Slide

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Week 1
21 November
Introduction, Jamie Oliver and working online
Week 2
28 November
Grammar and reading
Week 3
5 December

Adverbs and adjectives, language card exercise and working online
Week 4
12 December
Conjunctions and Claridges hotel exercise
Week 5
19 December
Review writing and reading text about vegans
Week 6
9 January
Conjunctions and demonstrative pronouns
Week 7
16 January
Adverbs/adjectives and listening exercise about the number 1 new restaurant in the United States
Week 8
23 January
completion period 5
27-31 January
13-31 January
CE reading and listening B1

Slide 7 - Slide

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Period 6
Listening to fragments, watching videos
Reading texts, advertisements, reviews etc.
Writing letters, reviews, minutes, filling in forms etc.
Speaking exercise in pairs/groups
working online
In January you will have your first test this year.

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Period 5
Period 6
Period 7
Period 8
practicing the skills: reading, listening, writing speaking

working online NuEngels

Test  for 1 studypoint in February + language card
Exam: reading and listening B1 CE
practicing the skills: reading, listening, writing speaking

working online NuEngels

Test for 1 studypoint in May+ language card
practicing the skills: reading, listening, writing speaking
working on your cv and Europass
working online NuEngels

Test  for 1 studypoint in July + language card
Exam: writing A2 + IE reading and listening B1
Year 2

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Year 1
(period 1, 2, 3 & 4)
Year 2
(period 5, 6, 7 & 8)
Year 3
(period 9 & 10)
1 study point per period

1 studypoint per period 

Period 6
CE reading/listening B1

Period 8
June/July writing A2
(IE reading/listening B1)
1 studypoint per period

Period 9
October/November speaking B1 and presenting B1
Course overview

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What will we do this period/year?
- main focus on the 4 skills
- online licence Nu Engels
 (log in, correct book --> Nu Engels 3/4 leerwerkboek, working at home) nuengels.online.noordhoff.nl --> swipe to the right, create account, student, log in with your email)
- 2 hours per week.
- 4 tests over 3 years

What test?
CEFR level
Period 6/7
year 2
CE Reading & Listening
Period 8
year 2
IE reading
IE listening
Period 9/11
year 3

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Make sure that when you sign up for Cambridge you cannot follow the lessons during practical lessons in the evening. So keep this is mind!

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1. create a central idea
2. add branches to your map
3. add keywords (to the branches)
4 color code your words or include images

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Video exercise
Log in into LessonUp

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Do you always eat breakfast? What do you eat?

Slide 17 - Open question

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Do you think you eat enough vegetables/fruits every day?

Slide 18 - Open question

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Do you think schools should provide healthy meals for every student? Why, or why not?

Slide 19 - Open question

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Jamie Olivers video questions
Jamie Oliver

Slide 20 - Mind map

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In a few seconds you will see a picture.

Discuss the following questions in pairs:

Where was this picture taken?
When was this picture taken?
Why was this picture taken?

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Slide 23 - Link

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Working online
We are now going to work online.

You can start working on Unit 5, this Unit should be finished by the end of this period.

First, take the instaptoets to see which route you need to follow for this unit.

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Learning objective: you know which English exams you are going to take this year and on which level

Slide 25 - Open question

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Slide 26 - Slide

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Exercise 2: reading level B1 (20 minutes)

We are now going to do a reading exercise. Please go to lessonup.app and fill in the code of this lesson. 
reading: a plastic ocean

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Slide 28 - Mind map

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Write the words in the correct groups.

-dump- filmmaker- recycle- documentary-
rubbish- shot- spoiler- waste-
premiere- reuse- scene- polluted-

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Slide 30 - Video

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Write a short summary about this video, use around 150-200 words

First make a short outline, by jotting down words you would like to use.
Then, write your summary using your notes.

Answer these questions at the end:

1. How do you feel about the expansive growth of plastic usage in the world?
2. Can you think of tips/solutions to help reduce the amount of plastic in this world?

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We are now going to read the text together. When we are done you can make task 1 and task 2 yourself in ten minutes. After that we will be discussing the answers shortly.

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Slide 33 - Video

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