The Batavian Revolution

The Batavian Revolution
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GeschiedenisMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 2

This lesson contains 14 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 50 min

Items in this lesson

The Batavian Revolution

Slide 1 - Slide

Compare & Contrast
(Individual work)
What are the similarities and differences between the American and French revolutions? ​

​Answer this question in about 200 words ​
Use your book as first resource ​
Use the internet for additional information


Slide 2 - Slide

The Batavian Revolution
15 min
Work on time line
20 min
Comparing and discuss
10 min
After today you can:
*  give two causes for the Batavian Revolution
* describe how the Netherlands ended up under French rule
* name at least one difference between the French and the       Batavian Revolution

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Quick questions

  1. Who was governing The Netherlands in the 18th century?
  2. What exactly was a 'stadholder's job?
  3. Why did the Dutch have respect for the Orange family?

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The Golden Age is over...

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  • Strove for freedom, equality and democracy ​
  • Turned against the oligarchy ​
  • Formed groups of volunteer corps --> eventually became the Batavian legion 


  • Supported Stadholder William V ​
  • Believed in the Republic as it was ​
  • Rich and privileged people

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'To the Dutch people'
  • published in 1781, spread in one night to hundreds of people
  • Ideas inspired by     Enlightenment ​
  • ​Written anonymously ​(but later we found out who wrote it)
  • ​Became the starting point of the patriots ​

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  • The patriots get help from the French and invade the Dutch Republic
  • Willem V escapes
  • Estates-General proclaim the Batavian Republic (1795)

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New constitution

The Batavian Republic becomes
  • a unitary state
  • more democratic, with elected representatives
  • everybody becomes a citizen

But... disagreement between radicals and moderates!

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It doesn't last...
Napoleon and the French end the Batavian Republic (1806)
Napoleon makes his brother Louis king of the Netherlands
In 1810 he forces his brother to resign and annexes The Netherlands

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Time line assignment
  1. You will make a time line for two people - a patriot and an orangist
  2. You will get a list of events and you will decide what the reaction of those two people could be on those events
  3. Very happy : +5, neutral: 0, very unhappy: -5
  4. Write down why you think they would react that way
  5. Connect the dots!

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Phase 2
Exchange your graph and reasoning with another group
Which years did you do differently?
Do you agree with the reasons from the other group? 
Add your reasons to their sheet

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Phase 3:

What do you notice about the graph before and after 1805?
From which moment do the dreams of the patriots fall apart?
Do you think the patriots were happy with the return of the House of Orange?
Can we compare the events in the Netherlands with the events during the French Revolution?

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