The basic rhythmic structure of a line within a poem. A specific number of syllables and emphasis adds musicality to each line
daDUM daDUM daDUM; DUMda DUMda DUMda;
- English poetry: metrical feet generally= usually two or three syllables.
- specific combination of stressed and unstressed syllables.
The most common examples of metrical feet:
Trochee: stressed syllable followed by unstressed syllable, as in “custom” (DUMda)
Iamb: unstressed syllable followed by stressed syllable, as in “describe” (daDUM)
Spondee: equal stress for both syllables, as in “cupcake”
Dactyl: stressed syllable, followed by two unstressed syllables, as in “bicycle”
Anapest: two unstressed syllables, followed by a stressed syllable, as in “understand”