Engels periode 5 les 1

Engels periode 5 les 1

1 / 14
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMBOStudiejaar 2

This lesson contains 14 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 50 min

Items in this lesson

Engels periode 5 les 1

Slide 1 - Slide

Let's talk about your holiday
Where did you spend your holiday?
What was the nicest thing you did? Why?
What was the worst thing / experience you did/ had? Why?

Slide 2 - Slide

Welcome dear students
For today:
Let’s talk about your holiday
Jaaroverzicht / Planning
Scores instaptoets

Slide 3 - Slide

Scores instaptoets writing
Klas 2A
A1:  Puck, Milan, Mabel, Stijn, Jan-Willem, Mick, Maud, Daan, Lonneke, Daan R, Sam, Laurien & Jasmijn
B1:  Neo, Imogen, Kaylee, Diëgo, Jadey & Nienke

Slide 4 - Slide

Scores instaptoets writing
Klas 2B
A1: Joep, Jari, Zoë, Emil, Teun, Karlijn, Luke, Igmar, Storm & Zain
A2: -
B1: Madelyn, Joris, Mats & Giulian
B2: Thomas & Viggo

Slide 5 - Slide

Scores instaptoets writing
Klas 2C
A1:  Mel, Brenda, Noah E., Noah H., Daan, Sem, Max, Bente, Ties, Jordy, Sten & Colyn
A2:  Bryan, Jochen, Nout & Floris
B1: Jurjen

Slide 6 - Slide

Scores instaptoets writing
Klas 2D
A1: Britte-Silje, Wesley, Pepijn, Chidi, Lenn, Rob, Esmée, Stan, Mart, Senna,  Friso & Sten
A2: Ryan
B1: Mike & David

Slide 7 - Slide

Scores instaptoets writing
Klas 2E
A1:  Lara, Romijn, Bram, Sem, Thijs, Shakib & Milou
A2: -
B1: Mikkel & Nik

Slide 8 - Slide

Jaaroverzicht / Planning
Periode 5
Writing 1
1e kans: week 14-18 okt
2e kans: week 4-8 nov
In FIX-Engels
Periode 6
Writing 2 
1e kans: week 20-24 jan
2e kans: Bufferweek
Periode 7
Grammar A2/ Speaking
1e kans: week 7-11 apr
2e kans: Bufferweek
In FIX-Engels
Periode 8
1e kans: week 19 -23 mei
2e kans: week 22-28 mei
In FIX Engels
Inleveren Sportsmagazine
1e kans: 23 mei
2e kans: 28 mei
It's Learning

Slide 9 - Slide

Wanneer heb ik vrijstelling?

Slide 10 - Slide

What do I think is important?

- Please communicate with me if you have a problem with me.
- Please  use proper language during my classes.
- I will answer your email ASAP. Except during the weekends, holidays and when I have a day off.
- If you have an opinion you don’t always have to give it.
- Late? That could happen to all of us. Whenever you want to enter the classroom you should - apologize for being too late and ask me whether you are allowed to follow the class.
- Say what you do and do what you say.
- Have the decency to follow the theory without watching Netflix, doing games or answering your whatsapps on your laptop or telephone.
- Honesty is the best policy (eerlijkheid duurt het langst).

Slide 11 - Slide

Heb ik huiswerk? 
Wordt mijn huiswerk elke week gecontroleerd?
Nee, tenzij je een inleveropdracht hebt en aan het einde van de periode de toets in FIX-Engels moet maken.
Waar staat het huiswerk? 
In Magister

Slide 12 - Slide

It's Learning
- Informatie m.b.t. toetsen, studiepunten, taalniveaus
- Planner
- Opdrachten

Slide 13 - Slide

What would you do if it was your last day on earth?
Imagine tomorrow will be your last day on earth. How would you spend this last day? Would you go and have a party with all your friends? or Would you just take it easy and spend it with your family?
Write it down in English and hand it in on It's Learning.
Use at least 150 words

Slide 14 - Slide