SE groepsopdracht fietstocht

groepsopdracht fietstocht
1 / 8
Slide 1: Slide
NederlandsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 4

This lesson contains 8 slides, with text slides and 1 video.

Items in this lesson

groepsopdracht fietstocht

Slide 1 - Slide

Fietstocht maken

Group task

Slide 2 - Slide

Bekijk de video. Luister naar de tekst en schrijf de woorden op die je nodig hebt voor je fietstocht presentatie
Watch the video. Listen to the text and write down the words you need for your fietstoch presentation

Slide 3 - Slide

Slide 4 - Video

Group task fietstocht
Divide in groups of 3-4 students
Discuss organizing a cycle tour in the Netherlands
Which points of interest are there?
What would you like to do/see?
Find a route 
Make a Google presentation with a map and a clear route on it
Describe the route, use words from the Quizlet list.

Slide 5 - Slide

Group task fietstocht
  • Create at least 5 slides
  • Every student in your group presents a part
  • Present the tour with your group to the class
After the presentations we vote for the best route!!
Note: it has to be possible in 1 day
You receive feedback (ATL skill research)
Deadline: at 10.00 before you leave the class

Slide 6 - Slide

Slide 7 - Link


Slide 8 - Slide