Reformation and Revolt

Planning today
Work on PO

Start chapter 2

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GeschiedenisMiddelbare schoolvmbo lwooLeerjaar 2

This lesson contains 36 slides, with text slides and 4 videos.

Items in this lesson

Planning today
Work on PO

Start chapter 2

Slide 1 - Slide

What is this chapter about?
- Read the text on page 30.
- Look at the timeline
- Go through the chapter and look at the sources

- Make a mindmap of what this chapter is about.
   > You can add your own answers too.

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What is this chapter about?
This chapter builds on the developments during the Renaissance. People would combine ideas from the antiquity with new ideas. 

This had a few important consequences:
- Reformation
- Dutch Revolut

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2.1 Reformation
During the Renaissance people started to criticise the Church.
They wanted reforms!

The critique:
> immoral behaviour
> too many rituals
> indulgences

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2.1 Reformation
Erasmus of Rotterdam was a philosopher and theologian. 
In his book 'Praise of Folly'  he critisices the abuses
of the clergy.

His goal was to improve the church, but not to split it.

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2.1 Reformation
Martin Luther was a German monk and professor. 
He wrote 95 theses about the errors in the church.

He mostly critisices the indulgences

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2.1 Reformation
The pope excommunicated Luther and he had to go into hiding. 

Frederick the Wise protected him. 
Luther kept writing and gained more followers.
Eventually this led to conflicts in the church and a new movement: Protestants.

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Slide 8 - Video

2.1 Reformation
What did the reformers preach?

Find out on page 33 and 34.


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2.1 Reformation
Traditions were most important
Word of God (bible) is most important
Good deeds wil bring you to heaven
Having faith is more important
Decorated churches and statues of saints
No decoration in churches.
No indulgences.

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What to do now?
You can:
- examples of protestant reformers
- criticism of reformers on practices in the Church

Make a (handwritten!) summary/mindmap/timeline etc. 

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Planning today
- Hand in your PO

- Homework check (10 min)

- Start paragraph 2

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Hand in your PO

Slide 13 - Slide

How are The Netherlands governed?

Make a schedule/mindmap in which you show how The Netherlands are governed today. 

You must use the words:
Ministers, House of Representatives (2e kamer), the Senate (1e kamer), King, Provinces, Prime minister (minister president)

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How are The Netherlands governed?

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How were The Netherlands governed?
During 16th century NL was ruled by Habsburgs rulers.

NL was not 1 country, but a collection of provinces that reached from NL to BE and Lux. 

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How were The Netherlands governed?
Charles V became ruler of all 17 provinces and king of Spain. 

The empire where the sun never sets.
After Charles V abdicated, 
in 1555, his territory split up. 

Philip II ruled NL.

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Philip II
Raised in Spain and a strict Catholic.
No connection to the Dutch people.

Philip wanted to centralise his power, but the 
Dutch people were used to having regional 

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Philip II
Philip lived in Spain and appointed representatives to rule in his stead. 
Stadtholders to rule in the provinces. William of Orange was stadtholder of Holland, Zeeland & Utrecht.

Margaret of Parm  was appointed governer of the Netherlands. She was Philips half sister and acted on his instructions.

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Iconoclastic Fury 

Protestants became more daring and organised hedge sermons .  (hagenpreek)
During a sermon people were encouraged to act. 
People started to attach churches and rid them of all the statues.

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Iconoclastic Fury

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Slide 22 - Video

Work on your homework
Tomorrow: visit from TTO committee

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Planning today
Lesson 1:
- Stencil about the Dutch Revolt

Lesson 2:
- Extra info about 2.3
- Working on your homework assignment

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1. Learn new words in connection to the Dutch Revolt

2. Get more insight by putting events into the right order. 

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Stencil about the Dutch Revolt
You may work together.

Read carefully and go through the steps. 

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Planning today
Repetition 2.3

New information 2.3

Making homework

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Put the events in the chronological order
Do this in groups of 3 (2 duo's)
You cannot use your book or notes
You have 5 minutes

Done? Show me to check
                                                                                                    Round 2 ?

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Devide the events among your group. 

Tell eachother what each event entails.

You get 5 minutes to order your thoughs
and 5 minutes to tell eachother. 

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Taking of Den Briel

Slide 30 - Slide

Slide 31 - Video

Plakkaat van Verlatinghe

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Slide 33 - Video

New info 2.3: The republic
Provinces no longer recognise Philip II as king, but need help to defeat the Spanish.

They ask Henry III of France and Elizabeth I of England, both refused. 

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New info 2.3: The republic
1588; Republic of the United Netherlands. (7 provinces)

Power was held by the provincial assemblies: the States. 

The States General decided on matters of war and foreign affairs.

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What to do now?
Work on your homework assignments

Take a look in your workplanner

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