Zinnen langer maken 23-9

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Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo kLeerjaar 4

This lesson contains 17 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 45 min

Items in this lesson


Slide 1 - Slide

Doel van de les

  • Aan het einde van de les kan je eenvoudige zinnen uitbreiden met details en voegwoorden om hun schrijven duidelijker en vloeiender te maken. 

Slide 2 - Slide

Waarom denk je dat het belangrijk is om meer informatie toe te voegen aan een zin?

Slide 3 - Slide

Eenvoudige zin: The boy is playing.

Uitgebreide zin: The young boy is playing football in the park with his friends.

Slide 4 - Slide

Technieken voor zin-uitbreiding
1. Voeg bijvoeglijke naamwoorden toe:

  • The boy --> The young boy
  • The car --> The old red car
  • The girl is singing --> The talented young girl is singing a beautiful song.

Slide 5 - Slide

 Opdracht: Voeg bijvoeglijke naamwoorden toe
  1. The dog is barking. 
  2. The flowers are blooming.
  3. The car is parked.
  4. The cake is delicious.
  5. The girl is dancing.
  6. The tree is tall.
  7. The book is interesting
  8. The room is clean.

Slide 6 - Slide

  1. The big brown dog is barking.
  2. The beautiful colorful flowers are blooming.
  3.  The shiny blue car is parked.
  4. The chocolate, homemade cake is delicious.
  5. The graceful, young girl is dancing.
  6. The old, tall tree is standing in the middle of the park.
  7. The thick, historical book is interesting.
  8. The bright, spacious room is clean.

Slide 7 - Slide

2. Gebruik voegwoorden (and, but, because, so)
  1. The girl is reading a book.
Uitgebreid: The girl is reading a book, and her sister is drawing.
   2. The car is old. 
Uitgebreid: The car is old, but it still works well.
   3. He is studying.
 Uitgebreid: He is studying because he has an exam tomorrow.
   4. It is raining.
Uitgebreid: It is raining, so they decided to stay inside.

Slide 8 - Slide

Oefening 2: Breid zinnen uit met voegwoorden (and, but, because, so)

  1. The car is old.
  2. The sun is shining.
  3. She is studying.
  4. I am hungry.
  5. They are running
  1. they hope to win the race 
  2. she has an exam tomorrow.
  3. it still works well.
  4. we decided to go to the beach.
  5. I will make a sandwich.

Slide 9 - Slide

3. Voeg tijd- of plaatsinformatie toe:
1. He is running.
Uitgebreid: He is running in the park every morning.

2. They are studying.
Uitgebreid: They are studying at the library after school.

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Opdracht: Zet de zinnen in de juiste volgorde 
  1. A book is in her room after school reading she.
  2. They playing in the park are on Saturday morning football.
  3. On the sofa the is sleeping living room cat the.
  4. Studying is at the library he for his exam.
  5. At the café after work are they eating lunch.
  6. Cooking in the kitchen dinner is at 6 PM she.
  7. Landing at the airport in 30 minutes is the plane.
  8. Downtown we going are this afternoon shopping.
  9. About history in the morning to the class is talking the teacher.
  10. In the backyard during the afternoon playing the children are 

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  1. She is reading a book in her room after school.
  2. They are playing football in the park on Saturday morning.
  3. The cat is sleeping on the sofa in the living room.
  4. He is studying for his exam at the library.
  5. They are eating lunch at the café after work.
  6. She is cooking dinner in the kitchen at 6 PM.
  7. The plane is landing at the airport in 30 minutes.
  8. We are going shopping downtown this afternoon.
  9. The teacher is talking to the class about history in the morning.
  10.  The children are playing in the backyard during the afternoon.

Slide 12 - Slide

4. Gebruik bijwoorden om acties te beschrijven:
1. He ran.
Uitgebreid: He ran quickly down the street.

2. She spoke.
Uitgebreid: She spoke softly during the meeting.

Slide 13 - Slide

Opdracht: Gebruik bijwoorden om acties te beschrijven

  1. She sings.
  2. They walked.
  3. The dog barked.
  4. He ran.
  5. She smiled.
  6. The baby cried.
  7. He writes.
  8. They waited.
  9. She answered.
  10. He drives. 
  1. beautiful
  2.  loud (2x)
  3. quick
  4. happy
  5. careful (2x)
  6. polite
  7. patient
  8. slow

Slide 14 - Slide

  1. She sings beautifully.
  2. They walked slowly.
  3. The dog barked loudly.
  4. He ran quickly.
  5. She smiled happily.
  6. The baby cried loudly.
  7. He writes carefully.
  8. They waited patiently.
  9. She answered politely.
  10. He drives carefully. 

Slide 15 - Slide

  1. The teacher explains.
  2. The dog barked.
  3. They are eating lunch.
  4. I am reading.
  5. The students are talking. 

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  1. The patient teacher explains the difficult math problem clearly to the class.
  2. The big dog barked loudly at the stranger in the garden.
  3. They are eating a delicious lunch at the busy restaurant.
  4. I am reading an interesting novel quietly in my bedroom.
  5. The students are talking excitedly about their weekend plans. 

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