Spring Things

Spring Things
We will learn about:
* How flowers grow 
* Different types of Spring flowers (tulips, lilies, daises)
* Life cycle of Birds
* Weather changes
* Passover 

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Fun4th Grade

This lesson contains 20 slides, with interactive quiz and text slides.

Items in this lesson

Spring Things
We will learn about:
* How flowers grow 
* Different types of Spring flowers (tulips, lilies, daises)
* Life cycle of Birds
* Weather changes
* Passover 

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Life Cycle of a Flower
*The seed is planted into the soil (ground).
* With water and sun the seed will begin to sprout.
* Once sprouted it becomes a seedling, coming out of the ground. 
* After becoming a seedling then it turns into the flower. 

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This picture is more detailed and shows the life cycle of a weed. 

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* Originally from Central Asia
* There are over 100 species of Tulips
* There is a tulip in almost every color
*Tulips can continue to grow even after they've been cut down. 
* Some tulip petals are edible. 
* What color do you think is the rarest tulip color?

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* Daisies only last 7-10 days
* They can grow almost everywhere
*The common name daisy originates from the Old English phrase "Daes eage," which translates to "day's eye." This name reflects how these flowers close their petals in the evening and reopen them come morning, making daisies some of the first eyes to open to the morning sun each day.
*Bees love Daisies

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The Lily Flower
* Some Lily bulbs can be ate and used to cook in meals. 
*They can range from 1 foot to 7 feet tall
* Once they bloom they can last 10-14 days but they can come back every single year in the Spring. 
*Lilies are toxic to cats and can actually kill them if they eat too much. 

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The Life Cycle of the Bird 
There is 7 stages to the life cycle of a bird

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This is the first stage of a birds life and it can last for a few days up to a few weeks depending on the bird. 
During this incubation time the parents take turns sitting on the eggs to keep them warm. 
The baby bird develops a bone tooth on the end of their beak so they can crack through the egg. 

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Stage 2:
*Once the chick is able to break through the shell the hatching process begins. It can take a few hours up to a week for the baby bird to finally hatch. 
*Once it hatches it is now called a hatchling.
*Hatchlings are very vulnerable (like a newborn baby) and rely on their parents for everything they need. 
*The hatchling is usually featherless and ugly at this point. 

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Stage 3: The Nestling
* They begin to grow quickly in this stage. 
*They also begin to grow feathers. 
* They start to develop their muscles so they can fly. 
* Their parents teach them survival skills during this stage. 
* Parents still provide intensive care during this stage. 
*The baby bird is still vulnerable during this time. 

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Stage 4: The Fledgling Stage
* Fully feathered at this stage.
* They can hop, walk and flutter their wings. 
* They will start taking flying lessons 
* This is a scary time because they are easy prey but the parents stay close by them.
*  They still depend on their parents for food 

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Stage 5: The Juvenile 
* It has its adult feathers 
* It can not reproduce yet
*Still uses parents guidance and help
*Continues to learn to fly
*Begins to look for its own food 

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Last Stage: The Adult 
* The last stage is the Adult Stage when the bird no longer needs its parents for food, care, or shelter. It can now fly, survive on its own and find a mate to have babies with as well. 

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Weather Changes

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Spring Weather
*As Spring time approaches we notice the weather starts to feel warmer.
*The sun is brighter
*The days are longer
*We experience more rain
*As the jet stream moves north, it allows warm air to take over, leading to severe thunderstorms, tornadoes, and unpredictable shifts in temperatures. 

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*Tornadoes can happen anywhere but mainly happen in places that have a lot of flat land. States like Kansas, Nebraska, Texas and Oklahoma always have major tornadoes during Spring. 
*In the mountains we are more protected because it's harder for a tornado to land when it's not flat. But we still can get very dangerous storms that cause flooding and trees down. 

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What causes tornadoes and thunderstorms in the Spring time?
cold front
the jet stream
more rain

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The Passover 

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Passover also called Pesach in Hebrew
*Celebrated by the Israelites' when they escaped from Egypt by the hand of God. 
* They applied the blood of a slain lamb on the door post of their homes so that they would be protected from death. 
*The story is told in the book of Exodus
*When Jesus was a young boy he would've celebrated the Passover holiday with His family.
*They also cleaned their house from top to bottom, removing any bread with leaven in it and all crumbs that may be found. 
*They take place around a table and partake in the Passover Feast. 
*As an adult Jesus celebrated the Passover as the Last Supper
*Jesus would become the Passover Lamb for our sins 

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Fish, matza, chicken, egg, wine and unleavened bread.
They eat, read scripture and sing praises to God during this meal. 
Jesus became our Passover Lamb for our sins when He died on the cross and rose again as we now celebrate Resurrection Day. 

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