exam training 5 havo lucky reading game

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EngelsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 5

This lesson contains 22 slides, with text slides.

Items in this lesson


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BBC One Minute World News

Exam training
Lucky Reading Game 

Slide 2 - Slide

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1. What are the topics that are being discussed? Write them down.
2. Think for a minute and formulate an opinion on one of the topics 

Slide 3 - Slide

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Slide 4 - Link

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1. What are the topics that are being discussed? 

2. Think for a minute and formulate an opinion on one of the topics 

Slide 5 - Slide

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Lesson goal
As a group you work together so that, at the end of this class, each and everyone of you
  • understands the text 'Can Language of the Vikings Survive English Onslaught?'

Slide 6 - Slide

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Lucky Reading Game

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The Text
  • groups of  4
  • first, you each read the text
  • work together to understand the text
  • ask each other the 'WH'-questions to check (who, what, where, why)
  • you are allowed to use dictionaries
  • devices of any kind are not allowed
  • each member of the group gets a number ranging from 1 -4

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The Game
  • You all have a number (1, 2, 3, 4)
  • Each of you will answer a question on the text
  • Number 1 comes to the front the classroom to answer the first question, then number 2 etc. 
  • You have 20 seconds to write down your answer on a piece of paper
  • No prompting from other group members or you will be disqualified
  • Correct answer?  Draw one or two cards from the pack of cards. Your group total will determine which group wins the game (hence the name 'lucky'). 
  • Your teacher is judge and jury. 
  • Neither judge nor jury will not enter into any discussion about the rightfullness of their decision. 

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How to calculate your scores?

  • Regular playing card =     
       number on the card
  • Jack, Queen, King = 10 points
  • Joker = 0 points
  • Ace =  20 points
  • Three of hearts  = 30 points

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'Can Language of the Vikings Survive English Onslaught?'
7 questions 

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‘Not so many years ago, such a billboard would simply have read: “Kaffi og kleina”’ (alinea 1)

1. Welk jaar is volgens de schrijver aan te wijzen als het beginpunt voor een
verandering in het taalgebruik?

Noteer dit jaartal. 

Slide 12 - Slide

2. What do paragraphs 2 and 3 make clear about the Icelandic language?
A. It failed to adapt to modern times when it came under threat.
B. It has been replaced by English for the sake of the banking industry.
C. It is only used by a select group of intellectuals and historians.
D. It was secure for a long time but its future is now at stake. 

Slide 13 - Slide

3. How does paragraph 4 relate to paragraph 3?
A. It contains criticism on the point made in paragraph 3.
B. It describes the effects of the point made in paragraph 3.
C. It puts the point made in paragraph 3 in a global perspective. 

Slide 14 - Slide

4. Which sentence fits the gap in paragraph 5?

A But all is not completely lost yet
B Changes are preceded by chaos
C There are other warning signs
D This can have major advantages

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Which of the following fits the gap in paragraph 6?
A confusing
B damaging
C futile
D inevitable
E unlikely 

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6. What is the function of paragraph 7?
A. to describe initiatives that are meant to stimulate the use of Icelandic
B.  to explain why it is necessary to stimulate the use of Icelandic
C. to justify the use of public money to stimulate the use of Icelandic
D. to stress that plans to stimulate the use of Icelandic are effective 

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7. Which sentence fits the gap in paragraph 8?

A. Clearly, it is not enough to turn the tide
B. Fortunately nobody is able to sing along
C. So, perhaps there is still hope
D. Too bad rap has such a bad name 

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How to calculate your scores?

  • Regular playing card =     
       number on the card
  • Jack, Queen, King = 10 points
  • Joker = 0 points
  • Ace =  20 points
  • Three of hearts  = 30 points

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Lesson goal achieved?
As a group you work together so that, at the end of this class, each and everyone of you
  • understands the text ''Can Language of the Vikings Survive English Onslaught?'

Slide 20 - Slide

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Lucky Reading Game
And the winners are  ....

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Guess this five-letter word in six attempts at the most!

Slide 22 - Slide

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