Debate 3H

Debate 3H
1 / 18
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EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 3,4

This lesson contains 18 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 45 min

Items in this lesson

Debate 3H

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Today's goals
I know what a debate is and how to structure a debate

I have chosen a debate topic

I can complete the preparatory questions for my debate

At the end of class:

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- Lesson goals (2 mins)
- Hand out documents (2 mins)
- Discuss how to debate (10 mins)
- Discuss debate topics (5 mins)
- Work independently to form debate groups and answer prepatory questions (rest of lesson)

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What is a debate?

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What is a debate?
A debate is a structured discussion where two or more participants argue for or against a specific topic or issue. The goal is to present clear, persuasive arguments supported by evidence and reasoning. Debates often involve teams or individuals defending opposing viewpoints, with rules to guide the process of presenting and rebutting arguments.

Een debat is een gestructureerde discussie waarin twee partijen tegenovergestelde standpunten verdedigen over een bepaald onderwerp, met als doel het overtuigen van het publiek of de jury met argumenten en tegenargumenten.

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What is the purpose of a debate?

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What is the purpose of a debate?

persuasion, critical thinking, and presenting arguments

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Give some examples of where debates are used?

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Give some examples of where debates are used?

politics, education, media

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What are the components (onderdelen) of a debate?

Motion/Topic: The subject of the debate
Proposition vs. Opposition: Two sides of the debate
Structure: Opening statements, arguments, rebuttals, closing statements
Judges (the teacher is the judge) and audience role

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Structure of a debate (10-15 minutes in total)

Openingverklaring - Opening Statements (1-2 minutes)
Argumenten - Arguments (2-3 minutes per side)
Weerleggingen - Rebuttals (2-3 minutes per side)
Slotverklaring - Closing Statements (1 minute per side)

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Roles in a debate
Voorstander/propositie - Proposition (Affirmative): Defends the motion or statement.
Tegenstander/oppositie - Opposition (Negative): Refutes the motion or statement.
Speakers: Each side has 1-2 speakers who present different parts of the argument.

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Debate timelines and rules
Time limits for each speaker
Respectful engagement with the opponent
The importance of using facts and avoiding mistakes in reasoning and personal opinions (bias)

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How to build a strong argument
Stelling - Assertion: State your argument clearly.
Redenering - Reasoning: Explain why the argument is true.
Bewijs - Evidence: Support your reasoning with facts, statistics, or examples.
Impact: Explain why the argument matters.

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Counterarguments and rebuttals

Luister aandachtig - Listen carefully: Identify weaknesses in the opponent’s argument.
Reageer effectief - Respond effectively: Refute by providing evidence or exposing logical flaws. (weerleg door bewijs)
Bouw voort op je eigen argument - Build on your own argument: Use the opponent’s points to reinforce your case.

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Overtuigen volgens de Grieken (being convincing according to the Greeks)
Ethos: jezelf neerzetten als geloofwaardig, moreel en betrouwbaar persoon. ( Present yourself as a trustworthy, moral, and reliable person.)

Pathos: de emotie van mensen aanspreken, bijvoorbeeld angst, boosheid of verlangen. ( Appeal to people's emotions, like fear, anger, or desire.)
Logos: argumenteren op basis van logische argumenten: statistieken, oorzaak-gevolg redeneringen.  ( Use logical arguments, such as statistics and cause-effect reasoning.)

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Let's discuss the rules and the topics/motions of debate

See Magister for when the debates will start! A number of lessons have been reserved for the debates. 
Everyone needs to be prepared as you will only find out on the day who will be doing their debate.

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Work independently and then in your teams/debate groups

Read the handouts
Do you understand what is expected of you?
Do you have a team (maximum 4 per group)/debate partner?
Do you have a topic/motion you want to debate?
Fill in the answers for "debate preparations"

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