Unit 3: CAE Writing Part 1: An Essay ( PLANNING)

 Which one word can be used to complete all of the following three sentences? The answer appears below.

1. I've been waiting for you since 6.00! What ........ you?
2. That hat you bought me for my birthday really ........ my head warm during the winter.
3. The company have ........ a record of my application on file.
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EngelsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 3

This lesson contains 20 slides, with text slides and 1 video.

time-iconLesson duration is: 50 min

Items in this lesson

 Which one word can be used to complete all of the following three sentences? The answer appears below.

1. I've been waiting for you since 6.00! What ........ you?
2. That hat you bought me for my birthday really ........ my head warm during the winter.
3. The company have ........ a record of my application on file.

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The missing word is 'KEPT'. Write your own definition or example sentence to help you remember these collocations:

to keep someone
to keep warm
to keep a record

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 Planning change

Tuesday 4th of March: Essay Writing lesson, 
Wednesday: Free period for English - Look at the Essay Writing in Result and the LessonUps
Thursday: Formative writing assignment  during class - You may bring your plan!

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Writing Part 1 – the essay
For the CAE exam you MUST answer the essay question (In part 2, you choose TWO of three things that you may write about). 
Question 1 will say that you need to write 220 - 260 words on a given subject in an appropriate style

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Lesson summary

  • The topic of this lesson is environmentally friendly transport. In the lesson you will:
  • review the format and focus of the Writing Part 1 paper
  • research an aspect of environmentally friendly transport.
  • make notes on useful ideas and vocabulary to help you write an essay
  • learn useful strategies for planning, writing and reviewing your written work.

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Get to know the exam: Writing Part 1
The CAE Writing paper has two parts. Part 1 has only one task, which you must answer. You will:
  • be given the topic of an essay and a set of notes consisting of 3 bullet points and 3 quotes
  • be asked to choose two of the bullet-pointed ideas to write about
  • need to give an opinion and support it with reasons
  • need to write between 220 and 260 words
  • have 45 minutes to complete each writing task (90 minutes in total for the Writing paper).

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Top Exam Tip: 
Make sure you answer all parts of the question.
Underline the key points in the question before you start. Only write about two of the bullet points and stick to the word count. Make sure you know what 220 to 260 words look like in your own handwriting: You don't want to wast time counting words in the exam. 

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Your essay will be assessed according to these four criteria:
  • Content –how well the task has been completed; for example, has all the important information been included in the piece of writing?
  • Communicative Achievement –how appropriate the writing is in terms of genre; does the text communicate the ideas appropriately and effectively to the target reader?
  • Organisation –the way the text is organised; for example, are the ideas presented coherently and are they connected through the text across sentences and paragraphs?
  • Language – vocabulary and grammar; for example, is there a range of vocabulary and
grammatical structures and how accurately are they used?

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2. Read the exam task again on page 42
Do you and your family travel everywhere by car or try to use public transport wherever possible. Why? 

How could the government persuade people to use their cars less often? 
Do fuel prices influence the way families choose to travel

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6. Look at the plan for the essay
Are any of these helpful to you?
P1. - Campaigning             *it may be easier to start 
P2. - Fuel Prices                     with the negative topic first

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Brain storming
Look at the headings placed around the room. Go and stand next to the topic that you would like to discuss. Take some notes as these may be handy for your essay.
Return to seat and share what you have discussed with the others around you. What did they learn? Add to your notes as these may also be very useful for your essay.

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Or another way of approaching this could be to make a mind-map
make your own plan
Use notes from the previous activity

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Good opening paragraphs: 
There is unquestionably an urgent need for governments to discourage car use and encourage more environmentally friendly forms of transport. But what is the best method of doing this?  Well, this question can be answered in many ways but the most two important to consider are campaigning and fuel prices

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Good closing paragraphs
PARAGRAPH 4 – CONCLUSION. State your opinion. Write two or three sentences. Point out clearly which of the two discussed aspects is more important, on the basis of what you have written above. The conclusion should put a full stop to what you have written and not open a new argument.
It is a summary of what you have said in the main paragraphs, to make your main point. It must be an interesting ending, what do you want to demonstrate?

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Use sentences such as:
 To sum up.....
Taking both points in to consideration ......
In a nutshell ......
as can be seen ......
in the final analysis .....
all things considered ......
as shown above .....

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Writing Assignment 3
Exercise 7 + 8 on page 43 in the Student Book

We will write the essay in class on Thursday the 6th of March

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Check list

Reread carefully checking for:
Repetition of words/structures.
No Contractions (it'll - don't - can't)
No Boring/informal vocabulary.
Also Furthermore/moreover. 
Because Due/Owing to the fact that. Although In spite of the fact that. However Nonetheless/Nevertheless.

Have you answered the question completely?

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