* as long as we don't hurt anyone or break the law
Slide 5 - Slide
This item has no instructions
How Does Henry Finch Show that He Has Liberty?
Slide 6 - Mind map
There is a repetition of the mindmap question here to unpick exactly how the character has demonstrated Individual Liberty.
A child writes to her local newspaper to campaign for more recycling bins
I'm not sure
Slide 7 - Poll
This item has no instructions
A child decides that school is boring so doesn't go anymore
I'm not sure
Slide 8 - Poll
This item has no instructions
A group of friends decide to go to the park after school
I'm not sure
Slide 9 - Poll
This item has no instructions
A parent is late to collect their child so drives at 35mph in a 30mph zone to get their quicker
I'm not sure
Slide 10 - Poll
You can add more slides or change the question/ image to suit your school's unique context.
Create a collection of shared images to help other children to understand 'Individual Liberty'
Slide 11 - Open question
In this additional activity, pupils can explore different aspects of liberty that resonate with them.
I know why liberty is important
Slide 12 - Poll
This poll can give you a quick snapshot of the class and an insight into who may need to explore the issue in more detail. The results will be displayed anonymously but you can look into how each child has answered the poll in the assessment view.