This lesson contains 40 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.
Lesson duration is: 30 min
Items in this lesson
Welcome Ladies & Gentlemen
Slide 1 - Slide
Planner for today
1. Introduction
2. Activity 3. Evaluation
4. Q&A
Slide 2 - Slide
Who are we?
Mrs Knetemann
Mister Hulst
Miss Watts
Slide 3 - Slide
Which word is the odd-one-out and why?
Nice- funny - friendly- calm
Which word is the odd-one-out and why?
Main course - Starter - Dessert - Order
Write a sentence by using the word: geloven
Fill in the missing word.
Oh no mister Hulst has forgotten to ................. the test.
Which word is the odd-one-out and why?
Awesome - fine - interesting - awful
Choose a player to team up, the player who stands on this needs to grab a card on the pile he/she is going to describe the wordsl. the other player needs to guess which words are on the card WITHOUT SAYING THE WORD and IS NOW NOT ALLOWED TO LOOK AT THE CARD.
Both players are going forward due to the correct answers
30 seconds for this task. Let's get started!
Write a sentence by using the word: spontaan
The teacher asked you to be quiet, so you need to wait one turn
What is your favourite subject and why?
Ask this question to the player next to you
What are you going to do next week?
YOU are a star!š
How do we make star plural?
The player needs to tell something about what he/she dislikes
Go 2 spaces forward
Ask a question to a random player by using "any"
Nothing happens
Make a question by using the question word:
Dilemma for today: Would you rather? and tell us Why?
Have classes until 17:00 but start at 10:00 or only eating vegetables in the week and tasty food during the weekend.
Write down the plural form of the word: "Heks" in English
Describe in your own words: What is annoying?
FIll in the missing form of the verb "zijn"
1. Today I ...................... going to the cinema.
Correct? go 1 space forward.
True or false?
We use any for positive sentence.
YOU are a star!š
Choose a player who is going back two spaces
Which number comes after 89?
Write this number down or spell it.
Make a sentence by using the word: "vlekken"
Which country does a kangaroo come from?
Ask this question to the player who is the nearest
What is your favourite starter in a restaurant?
Ask a question to a random player by using "any"
Ask a question to a random player by using "any"
Ask a question to a random player by using a form of "zijn"
Ask a question to a random player by using "some"
Write down a sentence using 'hebben or 'zijn'
Go back 3 places
Make the underlined word plural,
1 community but there are many ...............................
What is your least favourite subject and why?
In English, if we say there are more fish,
we say so many fishes.
True or False?
Ask this question to the player next to you
Which subjects are you having on Monday?
Ask this question to the player next to you
What are you going to do next month?
Choose a player to team up, the player who stands on this needs to grab a card on the pile he/she is going to describe the wordsl. the other player needs to guess which words are on the card WITHOUT SAYING THE WORD and IS NOW NOT ALLOWED TO LOOK AT THE CARD.
Both players are going forward due to the correct answers
30 seconds for this task. Let's get started!
Choose a player to team up, the player who stands on this needs to grab a card on the pile he/she is going to describe the wordsl. the other player needs to guess which words are on the card WITHOUT SAYING THE WORD and IS NOW NOT ALLOWED TO LOOK AT THE CARD.
Both players are going forward due to the correct answers
30 seconds for this task. Let's get started!
How would you describe the word "Fancy"?
Put this sentence into the correct order:
1. By my mother / at home / is being done / the wash / on Tuesday.
Make a positive sentence by using the word: "zoutig"
FIll in the plural form of the word
A knife but there are many ................................
The teacher has asked you to be quiet, so you need to wait one turn
The player needs to tell something about what he/she dislikes
Make a positive sentence by using the word: "pittig"
Nothing happens
The teacher asked you to be quiet, so you need to wait one turn
Go back 2 places
Make a negative sentence by using the verb: doen
Write a question by using a form of "Hebben"
Slide 4 - Slide
English at the Dalton
You have English three times in a week.
You have lots of activities when we are going to talk English.
You are actively learning the language.
Slide 5 - Slide
Words that I know in English
Slide 6 - Mind map
Activity Time!
Slide 7 - Slide
Look for someone ..............
What are we going to do?
1. Everyone has received this paper ------------>
2. You are going to walk around in class and ask a random classmate if they know it in English. The person with short hair starts the conversation.
3. If a person knows this, you write their name down and ask the other about a thing on the list.
Slide 8 - Slide
Let's discuss!
Slide 9 - Slide
Guess the song from the lyrics!
Slide 10 - Slide
In this category, you are going to get some clues. These clues are lyrics from the song. You get a point for the correct artist + name of the song
Example: Clue:
Slide 11 - Slide
Slide 12 - Slide
Clue 1
"Ik zou de dokter kunnen zijn en je ziekte genezen.
als je niet gelooft dan zorg ik dat je een gelover word."
Slide 13 - Slide
Slide 14 - Slide
Clue 1
"Ik heb gewoon plezier, op het podium, op mijn roze hakken.
Dat is de plek waar ik thuis hoor"
Slide 15 - Slide
Clue 2
De roze pony club
Ik wil gewoon dansen bij de
roze pony club
Slide 16 - Slide
Slide 17 - Slide
Clue 1
ģķķø, ģķķø, ģķķø, ģķķø
ģķķø, ģķķø, uh, uh-huh, uh-huh
Slide 18 - Slide
Clue 2
Kus gezicht, kus gezicht, stuur ik naar je telefoon
Maar ik probeer je echt te kussen
Slide 19 - Slide
Slide 20 - Slide
Clue 1
Ik ben tot te laat buiten geweest
Er zit niks in mijn brein
Maar dat zien ze nie-hie-hiet hm hm
Slide 21 - Slide
Clue 2
De spelers gaan spelen spelen spelen
De haters gaan haten haten haten
Meid, ik ga schudden schudden schudden
Schud het eruit, schud het eruit
Slide 22 - Slide
Clue 3
10 seconds
Slide 23 - Slide
Slide 24 - Slide
Clue 1
Jouw staar hield me vast
Je broek was gescheurd, ik kon je huid zien
Hete nacht, de wind die waaide
waar denk jij dat je naartoe gaat?!
Slide 25 - Slide
Clue 2
HEY, ik heb je net ontmoet
dit is misschien wat gek
maar hier is mijn nummer
dus bel me misschien
Slide 26 - Slide
What were the answers?
1. Disease, lady gaga
2. Pink pony club, Chappel Roan
3. APT, composite & Bruno Mars
4. Taylor Swift Shake it off
5.Call me maybe from Carly Rae Jepsen
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Category 2
Dutch to English yas! ššš
In this category, the lyrics has been translated from Dutch to English. You get a point for the correct song and a point for the artist!
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Slide 29 - Slide
A lot of people around you, but you are so sweet with your smile There are hours, days and months passing by that I am still waiting I would love to be with you even if I have to work longer for free
Dreaming hours about us is what my night decides
Slide 30 - Slide
Slide 31 - Slide
What I want with him you do not understand
Do not waste your time any longer please
You are confused, he belongs to me
That is now how he said to me
Because he is for me yes
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Slide 33 - Slide
And so I buy you a cap with an anchor on it
What have we such fun with your silly head
And then I wear a sailor's hat
And nothing more than that (oh-la-la)
Are you coming sailing on the sea yes?
Slide 34 - Slide
1. jouw blik richting mij - De bankzitters
2. hij is van mij - Maan
3. Liefdeskapitein - K3
Slide 35 - Slide
Time to evaluate
Slide 36 - Slide
Name 1 thing that went really well and 1 thing what you would like to change
Slide 37 - Open question
Slide 38 - Slide
If you have any questions, you can ask them in here! šš
Slide 39 - Open question
Thank you for coming and we hope to see you next year! š