The standard of education was very low in the Dame or Country school. The “teacher” may even
have been illiterate herself! There may have been slates on which the children wrote letters or
numbers in some Dames schools but not in all of them.
The children learned by rote, that is repeating the same thing many times. This is illustrated in the
Little Victorians workshop or show.
These schools were also fee paying, which means only a few could afford the luxury of even this
basic education. The majority of parents did not have the resources, which means most children
did not any education at all.
Do you have an example of where in the world this could still be the case>?
• Less than half of India's children between the age 6 and 14 go to school.
• At least 35 million children aged 6 - 14 years do not attend school.
• 1 in 40, primary school in India is conducted in open spaces o