3.9 Speak out Speechfright

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Slide 1: Link
EnglishMBOStudiejaar 1

This lesson contains 17 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 100 min

Items in this lesson

Slide 1 - Link


Slide 2 - Slide

           Lesson plan Block 3

week 3-1 : recap
week 3-2 : test U 1 (exams DM)
Spring break
week 3-3 : L1 : 3A
week 3-4 : L2: 3A2+ prepare presentations
week 3-5 : L3: 3B

week 3-6 : L4: 3C 
week 3-7 : L5:  3C 2
week 3-8:  Assignment U3
week 3-9:  afsluitweek
week 3-10: Stageweek

Slide 3 - Slide

TODAY  Unit 3C2 
 *Piece of paper+ Pen

Next test:  test ( Unit 3&4): end block 4
Next graded assignment:
Presentation block 3 in 3-7 
DM41: 4 April Para1A: 12 April  LSK/BGS/Para1B: 8 April
                  AGENDA 1 hour class:
  1. Presentations
  2. Score yourself
  3. Kwaliteitsbesef: rank the presentation
  4. 30 seconds
  5. Task: Start a presentation
About: Getting over speech fright & beginning and ending a presentation

Slide 4 - Slide

Bring your stuff!!
Phones in bag
No food (unless I bring it)
Arrive on time

No littering
Be respectful
Try hard
Second time no homework done= no class

Slide 5 - Slide


  1.  You feel more relaxed than before this lesson to talk in public
  2. You can open a presentation for work.



Slide 6 - Slide

How confident do you feel giving a presentation at this moment?

Slide 7 - Poll


Slide 8 - Slide

terugblik: Assignment Presentation
Wat: Maak in groepjes van 4 een presentatie van 4-6 minuten in het Engels, waarbij iedereen een stuk presenteert (voor de eigen klas).
Hoe: 1. Met behulp van de worksheet (ingevuld inleveren!)
           2. In expertrollen
           3. Met een PowerPoint of Prezi
Tijd:  30 minuten + thuis/ tijd over tijdens lessen
Klaar: E-mail presentatie en oefen wat je gaat zeggen!
Waarom: Om voorbereid te zijn op Engelstalige cliënten, als oefening voor presentaties op je werk en voor  het examen Spreken.

Slide 9 - Slide


Slide 10 - Slide

Rank the 'introduction'

Which presentation was best and why?

Slide 11 - Slide

Slide 12 - Slide

30 seconds in groups

Slide 13 - Slide

Assignment opening/ closing
Wat: You will stand in front of your group and open or close the presentation.
Hoe: Prepare an opening in 5 minutes: Then choose one of the following:
A. You walk up like an army general, wave and say out loud: God, I'm nervous, but I can do this anyway! Welcome to our presentation about ...
B. You walk up and present the opening/closing you've prepared
C. You pick a ball and do a spontaneous opening (green)/closing (white)
Tijd:  15 minuten 
Klaar: Cheer for the others like you would like to be cheered!
Waarom: To learn how to confidently give a presentation

Slide 14 - Slide

What can you do to help??

Slide 15 - Slide

How confident do you feel giving a presentation now?

Slide 16 - Poll

What did you think of the lesson?

Slide 17 - Poll