Revision activities 2

Revision activities 2
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ChildUpper Secondary (Key Stage 4)BTEC

This lesson contains 21 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

Items in this lesson

Revision activities 2

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Complete the exam question
Remember to make the point and explain using whole sentences
Fred is 5 and he is French. He is new to the school and he is in Mr Smith’s class. He has very little English language.Explain two ways Mr Smith could adapt how he communicates with Fred to encourage Fred’s communication and language development.
Mr smith could.....this will help Fred because.....

Slide 2 - Slide

  • Use simple words that he does already know- Helps build his practice of words he knows and more likley to understand/
  • Could use gestures like pointing to support the words he is using so Fred can understand these and link to the words.
  • He can use pictures alongside speaking to help him make connections.
  • He could use a digital device to help with translation of words he does not know, this will help Fred to undertsnad and make links between the word in his home language and the new English word.

Slide 3 - Slide

Children love to sing songs and rhymes and doing this will help a child’s holistic development. Discuss the considerations Miss Taylor has to make when choosing songs and nursery rhymes to use with children to promote their overall learning and development.

Slide 4 - Open question

Complete the chart and be ready to discuss answers
Remember to look at both columns and give an answer that matches.

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1- Putting it on the table/ Helping them to join in
2-Introduce new tools/show them different ways of moulding
3- Show them how to turn the pages and read to them

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Complete the chart and be ready to discuss answers
Remember to look at both coloumns and give an answer that matches.

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1- Tape the paper down so it doesn't move/put weights on the paper
2- Put the blocks on the table so they can hear where they fall/ Use contrasting coloured blocks to the floor- making them easier to see/Put a barrier around where the blocks go so they can't roll away and are easier to find.
3- Find them a puzzle that they can do alone/ Sit with them and support them in finding the right bits with hints.

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Complete the chart and be ready to discuss answers
Remember to look at both coloumns and give an answer that matches.

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1- Sit with them and encourage them so they take part
2- Explain the instruction again to them making sure they understand the rules to be able to take part./Stand next to them and show them how to play so they can see to follow instructions.

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In the next chart you must fill in the blank boxes, remember they must link and be actual pieces of equipment.Be ready to discuss answers.

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1- Balance bike/scooter/trampoline
2- Helps children to learn to puzzle solve as they find the right piece for the shape.
3- The puppets can be used to pretend to speak and he can learn new words.
4-Sand play activity/water play activity

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Jonathan is two years old and has a visual impairment. Jonathan attends day nursery and is in the room with other two year olds. The children are making a model of a castle with lots of different boxes and tubes. Explain two ways the Early Years Practitioner can adapt the activity to make sure Jonathan can take part fully. Use full sentences and explain.

Slide 13 - Open question

Hattie is four years old and enjoys counting and dressing up. She sometimes finds it challenging to play cooperatively and shows some disruptive behaviour. Explain two ways the Early Years Practitioner could support Hattie to play with other children nicely.Use full sentences.

Slide 14 - Open question

Give examples of construction toys

Slide 15 - Open question

Explain one way to adapt a construction activity for a child who has memory issues.

Slide 16 - Open question

Amina is three and a half years old. She has restricted gross motor skills and needs to use a wheelchair. Amina has now started at the nursery and James is her key person. The nursery has lots of ball activities to promote gross motor skills. Explain two ways James could adapt ball activities to make sure Amina can take part. Use full sentences.

Slide 17 - Open question

1-Supports gross motor skills and balance and coordination as they step across.
1-Playdough/pens/pencils/paintbrush/writing boards
3-Phonics cards/digital device
4-To learn turn taking and get used to loosing/winning

Slide 18 - Slide

What does PECS stand for and what is it?

Slide 19 - Open question

What is Makaton?

Slide 20 - Open question

Give 2 benefits of labelling equipment

Slide 21 - Open question