Step 2: Why representation matters

Step 2: Why representation matters

Giving opinions about representation
1 / 32
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EngelsSecundair onderwijs

This lesson contains 32 slides, with text slides.

Items in this lesson

Step 2: Why representation matters

Giving opinions about representation

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1 / Dear Martin

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Bookwidget time!
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Types of racism
There are different types of racism.
We asked ChatGPT to explain the 4 types and here is what they had to say. You can also find a (more complex) explanation on p. 245 of your workbooks.

Structural Racism
Structural racism is when the way society is set up makes life harder for people of certain races.
  • Schools in richer areas get more money than schools in poorer areas, which usually have more students of color. This makes it harder for these students to get a good education.
  • Housing discrimination laws that in the past stopped people of color from buying homes in certain neighborhoods, creating segregated communities.

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Interpersonal Racism
Interpersonal racism happens between people. It's when someone shows prejudice or discrimination against someone else because of their race.
  • If someone makes a mean comment about another person's skin color or refuses to sit next to them because of their race
  • Complimenting Black, Indigenous or people of color on their English with the assumption that they wouldn’t speak well because of their race

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Internalized Racism
Internalized racism is when people believe negative things about their own race.
  • If a person of color thinks they are not as smart or capable because of their race
  • Viewing white as "the norm" or the “ideal”
  • Increased levels of self-hate, shame, and rejection of your own identity and/or culture

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Institutional Racism
Institutional racism is when rules and practices in organizations (like schools, workplaces, or governments) unfairly treat people of different races.
  • If a company prefers to hire people of a certain race or a school punishes students of color more harshly than white students
  • Police departments that unfairly focus on and arrest people of color for small crimes while ignoring similar actions by white people.

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2 / Black (like me)

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Ex. 1
Watch the videos and answer the questions.
a What are the kids watching?
b What are the kids’ reactions?
c Why are the kids so surprised?

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Ex. 1
Watch the videos and answer the questions.
a What are the kids watching?

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Ex. 1
Watch the videos and answer the questions.
a What are the kids watching?
The live action movie of The Little Mermaid with a black girl as the main actress, Ariel.

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Ex. 1
Watch the videos and answer the questions.
b What are the kids’ reactions?

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Ex. 1
Watch the videos and answer the questions.
b What are the kids’ reactions?
‘She’s black (like me).’

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Ex. 1
Watch the videos and answer the questions.
c Why are the kids so surprised?

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Ex. 1
Watch the videos and answer the questions.
c Why are the kids so surprised?
Because there haven’t been many black Disney characters in movies, let alone princesses. It is something they didn’t expect to see.

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Ex. 1
d What word is meant with the following phrases?
• ‘something that shows or describes something’
• ‘the action of speaking or acting on behalf of someone’
• ‘an artistic likeness or image’

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Ex. 1
d What word is meant with the following phrases?
• ‘something that shows or describes something’
• ‘the action of speaking or acting on behalf of someone’
• ‘an artistic likeness or image’

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Ex. 3
Watch the video about representation and answer the questions.
a Why does representation matter to these students?

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Makes me feel more included.

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Makes me feel more included.
If you don’t, it could bring your self-esteem down.

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Makes me feel more included.
If you don’t, it could bring your self-esteem down.
We never saw anybody that looked like us on TV.

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Makes me feel more included.
If you don’t, it could bring your self-esteem down.
They could do a better job depicting Indian people,
especially brown women.
We never saw anybody that looked like us on TV.

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I don’t see myself represented in other movies or

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I don’t see myself represented in other movies or
If you see the same thing over and over again about
one race, you’re going to think all of them are like

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I don’t see myself represented in other movies or
If you see the same thing over and over again about
one race, you’re going to think all of them are like
If you see someone on the screen that looks like you
or acts like you, you might be inspired by them to do
what they can do, or be like them when you grow up. 

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I don’t see myself represented in other movies or
If you see the same thing over and over again about
one race, you’re going to think all of them are like
If you see someone on the screen that looks like you
or acts like you, you might be inspired by them to do
what they can do, or be like them when you grow up. 
Without that kind of representation or connection to 
a character, how are you supposed to know who you 

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I don’t see myself represented in other movies or
If you see the same thing over and over again about
one race, you’re going to think all of them are like
If you see someone on the screen that looks like you
or acts like you, you might be inspired by them to do
what they can do, or be like them when you grow up. 
Without that kind of representation or connection to 
a character, how are you supposed to know who you 
We all live together, and everybody should be
included in everything we do.

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b List the characters that are mentioned or shown in the video. Do all teens consider these to be positive representation?

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b List the characters that are mentioned or shown in the video. Do all teens consider these to be positive representation?
A  character with a hijab, Raj from Big Bang Theory, Apu from the Simpsons, Pocahontas. Sonali doesn’t feel Raj and Apu are the best characters to represent her. 

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What about you? Does representation matter? Why (not)? 
Give your opinion. Discuss in your teams. 

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