Present continuous klas 1

Our goals for today:

at the end of the lesson you:

will remember what the present continuous is.
can make your own sentences by using the present continuous

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Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 1

This lesson contains 14 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 5 videos.

time-iconLesson duration is: 30 min

Items in this lesson

Our goals for today:

at the end of the lesson you:

will remember what the present continuous is.
can make your own sentences by using the present continuous

Slide 1 - Slide

"Hey Mom! I am swimming!"
"Yes honey, you are swimming."
"Mom, are you watching me?"
"Yes, honey. Of course I am watching you!"

Diego is trying to splash water onto her book. She is trying to ignore this.
"Mom! I am holding my breath under water."

"Mom! You are not even watching me!"

"Yes, Diego! I am watching you and I am reading a book. I am doing both things at the same time."
"Mom, are you paying attention? I am doing a handstand."

Slide 2 - Slide

Welke werkwoorden zag je terugkomen in het verhaaltje?

Slide 3 - Open question

Hoe heet deze vorm ook alweer?
Present simple
past simple
present continuous
past continuous

Slide 4 - Quiz

Slide 5 - Video

Slide 6 - Video

What is happening? Write at least two sentences in the present continuous

Slide 7 - Open question

Slide 8 - Video

What is happening? Write at least three sentences in the present continuous

Slide 9 - Open question

Slide 10 - Video

What is happening? Write at least three sentences in the present continuous

Slide 11 - Open question

Alright, quick recap. What was the lesson about today?

Slide 12 - Open question

Are you comfortable using this on your test on Monday? Explain.

Slide 13 - Open question

Slide 14 - Video